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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Karlsruhe judges Future of Domain Names
»Federal Supreme Court in Karlsruhe will effect a Domain hearing on Thursday which is considered to be trend-setting for handling general describing web-addresses. First the conflict about the domain had exercised judiciary of Hamburg. In the end of 1999 regional court of appeal allowed the suit of the roommate center compound HomeCompany and had forbidden the defendant Ring Europaeischer Mitwohnzentralen (REM) to continue using the domain because of anticompetitive action. The use of terms without individual additives would interfere competition at the expense of competitors. This would lead to an "interception" of possible customers just wanting to explore the tender at the market section by 'hit or miss'-typing the Domain name. Because of that they would accidently come to the defendant's sites and would stop searching for other competitors and therefore would not compare other services.«
See title link for complete article (German). (ps)

[News message: 16. May. 2001, 13:35] [Comments: 0]
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