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Dennis "Psyria" Lohr (ANF)

R-Type Title Song as Ringing Sound for your Cell Phone
Dennis Lohr, aka Psyria, has got another licence from Chris Huelsbeck to convert one of his songs into cell phone format. This time it's the title melody of "R-Type".

For everybody who doesn't need a picture, here's the notation sequence:
4G#4, 4D#5, 4G#5, 8D#6, 2C#.6, 8C6, 8A#5, 4C.6, 8G#5, 4D#.5, 8G#5,
2C#.5, 8D#5, 8F5, 4D#5, 4D#5, 4G#4, 4D#5, 8D#6, 2C#.6, 8C6, 8A#5,
4C.6, 8G#5, 4D#.5, 8G#5, 2A#.5, 8G#5, 8A#5, 4G#5, 8G#5, 1P

First number: kind of the note (full, half, quarter, ...)
Letter : note height (if need be with "#" + ".")
Third number: Octave (note height)

People who'd rather see a picture can find this at Psyria on the homepage (title link) at the download area. On "" you can find the old pieces of Chris Huelsbeck in studio quality.

The next conversion for the handy will be "Giana Sisters". Be anxious. ;)

Psyria wrote: You have to set the speed for the song for yourself!
This is needed because every cell phone producer uses a different way for the speed display. For example: for Siemens cell phones it's 1 = slow to 30 = fast and for Nokia cell phones it's in bpm.

On Siemens cell phones it would be 7 or 8 ;) (tested on S25 & S35) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. May. 2001, 22:10] [Comments: 0]
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