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Boing Bag #1 for OS 3.9
Just in time for the Gateway Computer Show Amiga 2001 Amiga Inc. and Haage&Partner make the new Boing Bag #1 for Amiga OS 3.9 available for free download.

The most important innovation is surely AsyncWB that allows simultaneous copying and deleting on the Workbench. Next to many improvements GenesisPrefs, HDToolBox, AMPlifier, ViNCEd, WBRun, UnArc, RAWBInfo and BenchTrash have been revised. Further details can be taken from the readmes.

Download: BoingBag39-1.lha - ca. 5 MB
- BoingBag-1.readme -

As there had been no further news from St. Louis besides this I have taken the time and installed the new Boing Bag and naturally immediately tested it.

ASyncWB, allowing you to copy and delete with the Workbench at the same time, works terrific. This is especially good when copying or deleting big directories.

It's brilliant that you can now give search paths for Find via drag'n drop. So you don't have to search through a whole device but can reduce the search to single directories. Very practical.

Also very good is the new function in RAWBInfo. When you press the Shift key in the program information and double click on a tooltype, it gets toggled (activated becomes inactive and vice versa).

When you view text files with Multiview it's now possible to search the text for terms using the new "navigation menu". The function was indeed already there but only accessible via keyboard input.

The WBClock has got many beautiful designs in the Presets to choose from. Some of them I do really like very much.

That's all for the moment as I couldn't test more for now. Everybody who like to may write about further useful "discoveries" in the comments :-).

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 21:36] [Comments: 0]
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