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David Gerber via E-Mail

New Software for MorphOS: Voyager-PPC 3.3.92beta
David Gerber, one of the programmers of Voyager, has ported the popular browser to MorphOS and released a first beta version (3.3.92). This is the original message:

The first version of Voyager PPC native is available from any VaporWare mirror near you. There's a snippet from the readme file:

This is the first version of Voyager running on PPC native. It is still a public beta version but doesn't require a keyfile to run in demo mode. Everyone can appreciate the speed gain.

MorphOS 0.4 or higher required. You can download MorphOS from

You *must* install the PPC image decoder version coming in the archive and make sure the old one isn't left in memory (if in doubt, reboot). It's still backward compatible with the V 68k version.

You need the Plugins/ dir of the V3.2 full version to make this version run. Copy the included plugins over any of the old ones.

Differences with the 68k version:
- it's much faster :)
- SSL is currently disabled
- JS is currently disabled

They will be added in a later version.

Important: due to some last minute bugs, Voyager-PPC seems to require MUI 3.9 to run. You have to install MUIPPC (available from the MorphOS fileslinks section).

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 09:50] [Comments: 0]
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