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Amiga-OPEN-ML / Jorge Pino on ANF

Internet-Relay-Chat (IRC) during the Gateway Computer Show in St. Louis
Amiga Inc. invites to a chat during the Gateway Computer Show in St. Louis. Gary Peake and/or Fleecy Moss will dispel rumors and answer to questions on announcements which are made during the show. Here the original message:

Greetings Amiga users around the world,

Amiga Inc. would like to extend an invitation for you to join us on Internet Relay Chat before, during and after the Gateway Computer Show Amiga 2001 in St. Louis.

Amiga supporters, employees and developers and those with interest in Amiga Inc. are welcome.

Amiga notaries are destined to drop in for chat and it is very likely, as time permits, that Gary Peake and/or Fleecy Moss will be joining to address questions and dispel rumors that may be lingering after announcements made at the show.

To join other Amiga users, point your IRC client at any of the following servers and join the channel #developer.

AmigaNet Servers:

Join channel: #developer

We'll see you all there!

Amiga Support Network

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 09:28] [Comments: 0]
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