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Apex Designs

Payback Update
The first update for Payback is available. Several reported bugs were fixed and a screen scaling feature was added for slower processors. Also, new graphics were integrated.

There's also an update of the demo version, which raises the time limit of three to five minutes.

On the Payback website, an FAQ about Payback was opened which answers frequently asked questions. The game can be ordered directly in the online store.

In an interview with the Amiga-Future, programmer James Daniels describes Payback as follows: "The player assumes the role of a young, fleeing driver and attempts to become a big gangster boss. The game is entirely non-linear. To complete a level, the player has to collect a certain amount of points. How he achieves that is entirely up to him. You can follow the advice of the local Kingpin, uncover secret missions, or get into a fight."

[News message: 16. Mar. 2001, 19:02] [Comments: 0]
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