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Amster News
Amster is a program for downloading of authorized MP3 music files from Napster. One also can let the program (client) search for music files made available by other participants or can chat with other participants.

Yesterday the Amster source code was put on SourceForge. Interested developers can participate in further development under 'CVS access' (explanation in addition).

Since it wasn't clear to me what CVS access means I asked about this on our internal mailing list. Ruediger Hanke took the task to give an extended explanation. Because I can imagine our readers to be interested in this, too, I post his answer here:

What is CVS access?

CVS = Concurrent Versions System, a program for source code management. Among other things the program saves old versions of the source code, so one can trace changes from one version to another. Furthermore it coordinates changes in source codes if several developers are working on one single program. Else there would happen situations like follows:
  • developer A loads source ab.c
  • developer B loads source ab.c
  • developer A saves source code ab.c including changes done by him
  • developer B saves source code ab.c including changes done by him and by doing so overwrites the changes of developer A.

CVS cares for changes not to be accidently overwritten by somebody and in the case of need announces conflicts caused by changes. Thus it is essential if several developers are working on one single program.

Amster seems to be under CVS control. "CVS access" in this case means that people wanting to participate in programming Amster can get access to the CVS server managing the program's source codes.

[News message: 15. Mar. 2001, 15:24] [Comments: 0]
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