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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
Today from Paderborn again; maybe some entries of the last uploads list are the same, sorry.

GI-TB_ArtEffec.lha   biz/haage   42K+GlowIcon Toolbar for ArtEffect 4
3pYAM.lha            comm/mail   24K+AddOn for YAM and free email-address
YAMGenesis.lha       comm/mail   16K+Start & stop Genesis from YAM2. V1.02
Amitcpprefs_GR.lha   comm/tcp     4K+Greek locale catalog for AmiTCP Prefs
AmiVNC.lha           comm/tcp   131K+Experimental VNC server for Amiga w/C so
hserv.lha            comm/tcp   312K+Hserv ARexx HTTP/1.1 c.c. server
NetConnect_GR.lha    comm/tcp     3K+Greek locale catalog for NetConnect
rxsocket.lha         comm/tcp   154K+Rxsocket.library TCP/IP ARexx library
smbfs.lha            comm/tcp   120K+SMB file system client; complements Samb
URLLink.lha          comm/www    17K+Creates a file link to an URL
rno-aldi.lha         demo/slide 6.4M+RNO: "Goes Aldi" a TP2k partyslideshow
SamplesMaster.lha    dev/amos    92K+Creates IFF and RAW samples (italian)
guigfxDevBas.lha     dev/basic   10K+Using GuiGfx library from HBasic
RenderDevBas.lha     dev/basic   11K+Using Render library from HBasic
amigastlport.lha     dev/c       13K+Standard Template Library for StormC v4
2b_CreativE.lha      dev/e      112K+CreativE - AmigaE compiler/linker [binar
2b_CrtvE_src.lha     dev/e      183K+AmigaE compiler [sources]
jikes-diffs.lha      dev/lang    24K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.13 (diffs)
jikes.lha            dev/lang   676K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.13 (source)
jikes000.lha         dev/lang   608K+Fast Java compiler, v1.13 (68000 binary)
jikes020-060.lha     dev/lang   601K+Fast Java compiler,v1.13 (68020-060,FPU)
adaref95.lha         dev/misc   935K+Ada95 HTML-Hypertext Reference Manual
AmIDE.lha            dev/misc   265K+AmIDE v0.3  - Integrated Development Env
Basir.lha            dev/misc    67K+Commodore Basic reader and converter
Localizer1.39.lha    dev/misc   213K+A Locale Development Tool
MCC_NListt_SP.lha    dev/mui      6K+NListtree.mcp 18.7 spanish catalogs v1.0
adasrc2.lha          dev/src     33K+Collection of simple Ada-Sources
DVD-RAM.lha          disk/misc   90K+DVD-RAM, DVD and CD Support.
fat95.lha            disk/misc   56K+Win95/98 compatible file system
AmigaOS39.lha        docs/help   13K+A guide on Workbench 3.9
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/hyper 718K+ITALIAN ONLY comunicati NotizieAmiga 02/
xadclients_ru.lha    docs/hyper  18K+Guide to all the XAD clients in Russian
Aakt0301GFX.lha      docs/mags  163K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0301GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   83K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0301HTML.lha     docs/mags  232K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
AmigaForever4.txt    docs/rview   5K+Amiga Forever 4.0 Review
BattleDuel.lha       game/2play 2.8M+The *ULTIMATE* artillery game, now freew
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data    9K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (4 March
JumpingAround.lha    game/demo  543K+JumpNRun demo game, working in progress
Mattonite_Src.lha    game/demo   36K+Source codes of Mattonite and MattoniteE
Yatzy2000.lha        game/misc  121K+Another nice Yatzy game (MUI)
NapalmPL.lha         game/patch  11K+Polish Locale for Napalm
Experiment_Ful.lha   game/role  1.3M+Futuristic graphic adventure
eyangband.lha        game/role  820K+EyAngband 0.2.3 - Roguelike solo RPG
gumband.lha          game/role  960K+Gumband 2.1.3 - Roguelike solo RPG
psiband.lha          game/role  748K+Psiband 1.20 - Roguelike solo RPG
Simon2001.lha        game/think  62K+Oldie but goldie by DawnBringer
Emerald.lha          game/wb    1.3M+Simple and different Games and effects i
Pishti.lha           game/wb    106K+Popular Turkish card game. (v1.03)
SmartScale.lha       gfx/conv    17K+A CLI program used for graphics conversi
Photo2Ifx.lha        gfx/edit     1K+ARexx Script to load images selected in 
ImageEditor.lha      gfx/pbm    3.0M+Complex Image Editor based on NetPBM-Fil
ActionGUI.lha        gfx/show     7K+GUI for OS 3.9 Action player (Argue)
opendivx_libra.lha   gfx/show   209K+Opendivx.library (WarpUP and 68k support
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack    7K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
ClockPeek.lha        hard/misc   17K+Direct A500/2000/1200 clock chip access
Perl.lha             misc/antiq 117K+Perl v
551convGUI.lha       misc/emu    19K+GUI for 551conv
imdbDiff010223.lha   misc/imdb  2.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
YACAS.lha            misc/math  564K+Mathematics Program, v1.0.45
SpaTra07.lha         misc/misc   71K+Spanish Translations Pack 07 v0.20
happyhour.lha        mods/blkha 201K+PT mod by blakkhar
hardriving.lha       mods/house 641K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
ignorance.lha        mods/house 307K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
slowfood.lha         mods/house 255K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
spinsession.lha      mods/house 417K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
AntiqueDreamFu.lha   mods/med   4.3M+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Aphex401.lha         mods/med   934K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Aphex401Fix.lha      mods/med   151K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
AutomaticTranc.lha   mods/med   348K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
ChaosPlus.lha        mods/med   125K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
ElectronicCity.lha   mods/med   796K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
FastXRace1.lha       mods/med   1.1M+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
FastXRace2.lha       mods/med   949K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
IntroToTheRace.lha   mods/med   319K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
IntroToTheWorl.lha   mods/med   343K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
MainCode.lha         mods/med    27K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
OneGoodDay.lha       mods/med   152K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
QuickStart.lha       mods/med   408K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
RaceB.lha            mods/med   261K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Syndromedia.lha      mods/med   579K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SysOIX-MCHVers.lha   mods/med    42K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SystemOfSynthS.lha   mods/med    87K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SystempOSVe4mo.lha   mods/med   206K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
TheNight.lha         mods/med   134K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
NP_PopYF.lha         mods/misc  865K+Noyz Phaktah '002 - Chemical Graveyard b
rno-r057.lha         mods/misc  258K+Rno-records release no.57 by Tang/rno (M
alien.mpg            mods/mpg   3.2M+Alien busters. Full 44khz (mono) Psytran
deathstar.mpg        mods/mpg   4.1M+Deep inside. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
deepinside.mpg       mods/mpg   3.6M+Deep inside. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
earthquake.mpg       mods/mpg   4.1M+Earth quake. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
lukeskywalker.mpg    mods/mpg   3.7M+Luke Skywalker. Full 44khz (mono) Psytra
rockalive.mpg        mods/mpg   3.2M+Rock is alive. Full 44khz (mono) Psytran
sommar.mpg           mods/mpg   3.0M+Sommartider. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
vdo_gene.lha         mods/vdo   1.1M+Conquest of our generation [xm 32ch]
id3tagLibGUI.lha     mus/edit    73K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
PlayGUI.lha          mus/play   858K+GUI for HIPPO,MPEGA,PLAY16 AND GMPLAY!
SmallPlugin2.lha     mus/play    16K+A fast, small and transparent AmigaAMP p
CastroD1.mpg         pix/3dani   12M+The Demo Castro 1
auge.jpg             pix/art     18K+Picture called "In the eye of the observ
looking_up.jpg       pix/art     26K+Picture called "looking up eyes" 
aquiz01.jpg          pix/henz   236K+Amiga Quizshow
aquiz02.jpg          pix/henz   397K+Amiga Quizshow
aquiz03.jpg          pix/henz   250K+Amiga Quizshow
g-devicn.lha         pix/icon    26K+Small collection of device icons
sg-strip_6.lha       pix/misc    90K+[ancor] strip 6 of StarGround
sg-strip_7.lha       pix/misc    64K+[ancor] strip 7 of StarGround
sg-strip_8.lha       pix/misc    46K+[ancor] strip 8 of StarGround
BlueNowee.lha        pix/wb     200K+Blue WB Look by Nowee for Visualprefs
DarkReign.lha        pix/wb     253K+Contrasted WB Look by Nowee for Visualpr
adaratio.lha         text/hyper 494K+Hypertext Ada 95 Rationale
TH-Etiketten.lha     text/print  15K+Lable Print (german only)
AntiBlanker.lha      util/blank  10K+A tool that disables your screen blanker
wavdt41.lha          util/dtype  17K+Datatype for wave sounds 68k+WOS (41.7a)
asyncioppc.lha       util/libs   24K+Asyncio.library with WarpOS functions (V
extralib.lha         util/libs  183K+Dynamic buffer system, CRC, text, memory
Type1EngineHU.lha    util/libs    9K+Hungarian catalog for Type1Engine
cookietool.lha       util/misc   51K+Clean up your fortunes database, V2.4
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  341K+Report+ 4.31: Multipurpose utility
ReqAttack.lha        util/misc  633K+Best, configurable requesters for Amiga
1200module.lha       util/moni    6K+A1200/060 Voodoo3 3000 Sysspeed Test mod
rmh.lha              util/rexx   65K+Rmh.library - Rexx Must Have library
rxmui.lha            util/rexx  421K+RxMUI - MUI GUIs in ARexx macros
TransADZ.lha         util/rexx    9K+Archive script for TRansADF
vht-vg32.lha         util/virus  87K+VirusWarning.Guide v3.2 (VHT-DK)
Fix.backdrop.lha     util/wb     46K+A handy GUI to clean up .backdrop files
Image2Icon.lha       util/wb     56K+Creates thumbnail icons 68k+WOS (1.16a)
Memicon.lha          util/wb     17K+Memory/Screen/OS display for OS3.5/OS3.9

[News message: 06. Mar. 2001, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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