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Individual Computers

Individual Computers News
MiamiDX lisences arrived, Lyra under production

From now on the X-Surf ethernet / MiamiDX bundle again is available form all of the trading partners. Who already owns a X-Surf card can purchase MiamiDX at a special price by presenting his/her bill - simple ordering by e-mail. At the time being MiamiDX is the only possibility to use T-DSL (German Telekom) with the Amiga and wasn't available from German vendors for a long time.

The keyboard adapter Lyra is now under production. The first adapters in versions for A2000, A3000, and A4000 will be available from all of the trading partners in the first week of February. The Eternity company already verified Lyra to be the only adapter that supports simultaneous pressing of several keys. This allows playing games also with a PC-keyboard connected to the Amiga.

[News message: 25. Jan. 2001, 21:37] [Comments: 0]
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