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Fun Time World

Several Software Updates
In the new version of JST v4.3b a save error was fixed. With this program you are able to copy many of the disk games to harddisk and then start the games from there.
Download: jst.lha

Version 2.0.7 of the open source network software 'Samba' was released.
Download: samba_2.0.7.lha

powerd v.0.16 is a completely new programming language, but similar to AmigaE. You can find closer information in the documentation.
Download: powerd.lha

'yeac' is the beta version of a completely new AmigeE compiler.
Download: yaec.lha

Two new plugins by Ruediger Hanke for the DTP software PageStream were released. The Word8 filter allows to import even text saved with Word97 / Word2000. You can import documents saved with AmigWriter using the AmigaWriter filter.

With 'DVD-RAM' you can connect DVD drives to the Amiga. Using the DVD-RAM software 2.6 G and 4.7 G (per side) medias are recognized.
Download: DVD-RAM.lha

In the patch archive for the browser AWeb the installer was extended by installation of language. A Russian catalog has been added to the catalogs archive.

[News message: 02. Jan. 2001, 16:31] [Comments: 0]
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