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Elbox via eMail

Elbox Wish Happy New Year
Elbox sent in new year greetings which should not be taken too seriously according to what they stated.

The Not-So-Serious Inside Story Announcement
Crack-off, 31 December 2000

The pi-pi-Castro Task Force is proud to promote the latest technique of advertising.

The pi-pi Castro Task Force hereby authorise everybody to read the secrets of their latest technology of collecting money in advertising and to disclose this secret to enyone on the way:
  • We, the world-famous pi-pi Castro Task Force, produced the world-famous graphic system for the world-dominant computer platform of the Ah-miga. Sure, we did some work. Nobody paid us for that :-(
  • Then we saw some people get big in the Ah-miga world.
  • We thought: "Why don't take money from them?"
  • We noticed Err-box produced their hardware (el mediatore).
  • Err-box produced their software (the pi-pi driver).
  • We did not help them (why should we?)
  • So we thought we could ask Err-box for money for using our world-famous name of pi-pi 96
  • Therefore we are world famous. Proved.
  • Err-box did not want to pay us.
  • We asked other friends to persuade Err-box.
  • Franco Mariacchi managed to get computers and Special-Delusion-Kit documents from Err-box - FOR FREE!!! Success!!!
  • Hi-period managed to get some hardware from Err-box plus the same paperwork. FOR FREE!!! Success!!!
  • We did not manage to get a single pfenig from Err-box. And we need paper too.
  • Franco Mariacchi and Hi-period are laughing at us.
  • Therefore we are suckers. And our friends are laughing at us. Proved.
  • Aha. A painting family wants us to pay DM 6,000 for using the "Pi-pi-Castro" name.
  • Therefore we wanted Err-box to pay it for us.
  • As Err-box are discussing the issue behind the curtain, and we need cash badly, we demand Ah-miga users to register our pi-pi system immediately and pay us for their being happy.
  • If nobody pays us, we will cry out that any other soap-ware worldwide is ill-egg-all. (Apart from our pi-pi-castro, sure enough.) Proved.

Err-box Komm-puter was happy to find the appropriate name for this new method of advertising: the REVERSE ADVERTISING. Danke mucho, err-boxie.

Please remember that you have to pay us DEM 5.00 or USD 10.00 every time you use the word "advertising".

The Pi-Pi-Castro Task Force

Courtesy of Err-box Komm-puter De-pression De-partition-ment


There is a popular custom in Poland to make jokes on colleagues and fellow people in the end of the year, to summarise the most prevalent features of their behaviour during the year. Here is our summary of what has transpired between the P96 team and ELBOX Computer during that time. Please take it with a bit of reserve, as we do not intend to offend anyone, just to introduce a pinch of humour into the issue, which seemed to be so tense and serious in the Amiga world.

Happy New Year!!!

[News message: 01. Jan. 2001, 21:32] [Comments: 0]
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