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Thomas Unger on ANF

On 30. December 2000 Thomas Unger has released the CD-ROM 'THE KICKSTART ARCHIVES'. This CD contains plenty of texts taken from the WWW that cover the history of the Amiga and give more information about the Amiga in the areas persons (among others Jay Miner, RJ Mical), official Amiga models, clones and emulators (among others ABox, Draco, REC WonderTV A6000), Amiga operating systems, accessories (Amiga Joyboard, The Big Book of Amiga Hardware), support (among others The Dave Haynie Archives, Great Valley Products - M Inc.) and specials (among others The Jay Miner Society, Amiga Juggler animation).

All informations regarding the content and the ordering of the CD can be found on the homepage.

Thomas Unger thanks to all those who have made some contribution to the success of the CD-ROM. Special thanks go to Gregor Franz who has finished his "DiCAS - The Commodore/Amiga story" during the holidays.

And he wishes all readers and the makers of the Amiga News a happy and successful year 2001.

[News message: 31. Dec. 2000, 15:04] [Comments: 0]
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