Fun Time World
Office package 'Papyrus' for Amiga
The office package 'Papyrus' by the company
R.O.M logicware shall be ported to
the Amiga. Until now the package was available for OS/2, TOS(Atari) and Windows.
Responsible for the prot is Titan
Computer. For the next issue of Amiga Plus it is planned to print more
information. In the issue 11/2000 of the 'st-computer' there's an interview with
the manager of R.O.M. logicware. Fun Time World had already released the
following quote on 11. December:
«For all the love for the Amiga, but very important for us are a Macintosh
and a Linux version at the moment..... As we have just come together for a
cooperation with an important company in the Amiga market, that also supports us
heavily on doing the MacIntosh version one can count indeed on three more
supported platforms:
Mac, Linux and also Amiga.»
[News message: 17. Dec. 2000, 16:10] [Comments: 0]
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