Ingo Musquinier on ANF
dynAMIte Server
We distributed a free preview of the game dynAMIte among the visitors of the WoA 2000.
Normally you find the addresses of the game-servers on our support-side. Unfortunately
the server is out of order at the moment.
You should use pulp.2y.net (port 6318) as the default server. This one is the official
dynAMIte-server (TDSL-connection). Normally this server is available after 7 p.m. As soon
as the web-server is back again you will be able to find the addresses of the other server
on our support-page.
If there are any problems with the game you can discuss them with us at the IRC. We are
daily available at the euIRCnet (irc.hes.de.euirc.net:6667 channel #AmigaZeux).
[News message: 11. Dec. 2000, 10:41] [Comments: 0]
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