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Torsten Dudai

OS 3.9 - Presentation by Juergen Haage and Martin Steigerwald
Torsten Dudai did a report about the OS 3.9 presentation on the WoA:

Though there was "US-Amiga-News / Bill McEwen" an item of the agenda, neither Bill McEwen - who stayed in America - nor Fleecy Moss - who was at the show - were available at that time, so Juergen Haage had to stand in. In a direct dialogue with the users he tried to collect their worries and sorrows for Amiga Inc. to be able to estimate the current mood. But the discussion (due to the lack of facts on the subject AmigaDE) very soon resulted in the new OS 3.9, in which every attendant of the seminar was very interested. So, Juergen Haage was able to seamlessly led over to the following seminar.

Besides of individual problems (one elder man was especially "persistent") also much of the known subjects were addressed, as like as the condition of "50,000" sold copies of OS3.9 (Fleecy Moss), and the "license quarrel" around AmiTCP. In both cases Juergen Haage was able to quiet the devotees' minds: the number "50,000" would not be meaningful at all, because it even isn't combined with a date. Later one just would have to able to estimate if or if not OS 3.9 has been a success. For example only 40,000 (or less) sold copies already would be a big success. About the license quarrel Juergen Haage just said, "There is no license quarrel". Haage & Partner obtained the license for AmiTCP correctly and is allowed to distribute the TCP stack along with Genesis (no MUI, but Reaction GUI) on the CD-ROM.

Then together with Stefan Robl, the programmer of AmiDocks, the new OS3.9 tool-bar, (almost) all of the features of the new Amiga operating system were presented. During the presentation again ideas, criticism, and suggestions were given by the viewers. Juergen Haage put an implementation in parts into prospective for a coming "Boing-Pack 2". But the limits of what can be done are almost reached with this update. Without a change of the KickROMs not much further can be done, any more.

But about one subject he could not give any clear statement: Amiga DE. Haage & Partner still didn't decide whether or not they would port their own products to the new system. In parts this depends on the availability of a sophisticated GUI system, which isn't available at the time being.

[News message: 11. Dec. 2000, 01:00] [Comments: 0]
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