Stéphane Campan via eMail
BoXer Board Status
On the Anti-Gravity page there is a press release dated November, 29th 2000
concerning the BoXer mainboard.
Current BoXeR prototype main-boards feature the emulated AGA chip-set on three
single chips. The final revision will integrate the AGA into one single chip.
The redesign has been completed and it is ready for build up. It is planned
to make this board with one single AGA chip available for the AmigaActive
magazine for testing purpose end of December.
The distributor network is growing. According to the latest survey there are
currently more than 500 distributors of the BoXer.
Our employment survey also got great and worldwide response. Anit-Gravity is
hoping to be able to contact everyone who replied to talk about possibilities
to enable all of them to take part in developing this system.
[News message: 09. Dec. 2000, 09:46] [Comments: 0]
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