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Mediator, G-Rex and P96
Several news have been released on the CyberGFX pages in the last few days.

In the channel #amiga(, a collaborator of Hyperion, voiced positively about the design of the Mediator board. To keep costs low the people from Elbox only use one logic chip which is used as many times as required. This way they have managed among otheres to create their PCI bus without having to use expensive Glue- chipsets from third party companies.

«On #amiga ( one of the guys from Hyperion was chatting about the design of the Mediator: "They've shown some really clever ways to keep their costs down in design, certainly.... All of their hardware consists of ONE logic chip which they use repeatedly, as many as necessary.", "They design all their own components, so no need to buy expensive external glue logic.", "Their PCI bus, for instance, is entirely their own implementation, no glue chip-sets from a 3rd party manufacturer.", "For instance there was a bug in the FastATA 4000 hardware, and they had to send out replacement chips to fix it. FPGA could just be reprogrammed.", FastATA 4000 is "EIDE controller for Z3. The ONLY one." "Umm it implements the fast ATA modes. like PIO-4, etc. So I get better performance out of IDE drives.", "Again, like all their other products, their IDE implementation is their own, using the same chip they use on all their products. :-) Pretty cool." "Well it also does PIO-5 but Z3 has trouble with it."»

The vendors.txt has been updated on November, 25th 2000 updated. 18 new boards have been added respectively updated. There have been no particular changes related to the Mediator itself.

Pictures about the G-Rex with 5 PCI slots, and about CyberGraphX running on a VooDoo4 4500 have been released..

About Picasso96 concerning Elbox there has been a new article released from the P96-Mailinglist.

[News message: 09. Dec. 2000, 04:34] [Comments: 0]
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