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21.Nov.2000 and Four Partners Agree on Cooperation and four partners decide to cooperate and four well-known Amiga oriented internet services announce their long-term cooperation. While retaining the souvereignity of all services, we want to offer our users direct access to the other services, and therefore placed links to our partner homepages at easy accessible locations.

This agreement moreover creates a new basis for the exchange of contents, which is already practiced for some time. For the future, we target to intensify this cooperation.

Surely you already noticed the changes in our horizontal menu bar. Here, our partner homepages are linked, so you can reach them with a single click.

About BBoAH - Amiga-Society - responsible: Horst Diebel

10.09.2001 - The Amig Society was initially meant to be part of a cluster of three sites, each of which would fullfill a different role. According to that plan, the 'Society' would have offered users and dealers the possibility to present themselves and their projects. But as the other two sites didn't get developed any further, the maintainers are about to integrate sections for hardware and software. This is how the German translation of the "Big Book of Amiga Hardware" came to be part of the Amiga Society, and now a similar approach is used for the "Little Book of Amiga Software".

About Big Book of Amiga Hardware - responsible: Ian Chapman

This project was started by Ian Chapman on January 17th, 1999. With support from many users, an extensive database of information about various Amiga hardware expansions, models and peripherals was created. In addition to the English main site, there's a french translation which isn't actively maintained right now aswell as a German mirror which translates the contents to the German language step by step.

About - responsible: Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj

30.04.2002 - tries to be a portal for friends of scenerelated diskmagazines, no matter on which platform they come out. For your pleasure, we (Ghandy & Zito) offer a big archive of articles, reports and interviews from various magazines, just like our slogan: "All your eyes can eat!"

If you're missing friends you were in contact with many years ago, you will (hopefully) find their valid url or email in our database.

In collaboration with the Swiss Scene Server we offer downloads especially for the fans of the Amiga and PC demoscene. If that all isn't enough for you (or your eyes), you can directly follow the ongoings in our newsarea and leave a comment if you want.

About Amiga Arena - responsible: Olaf Köbnik

01.05.2002 - Since 1998 the Amiga Arena tries to support the Amiga Shareware and Freeware scene. With time-limited price reductions on Shareware software were used to create new impulses und strengthen the bond between developers and users.

In addition to this, the Amiga Arena tries to create a 'bridge' between developers and users by publishing interviews with various people from the Amiga scene.

Last but not least, Amiga Arena is trying to convince former shareware developers to release their titles for free and offers games and quality software for free download.

[News message: 21. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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