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Amiga Future

Amiga Show in Cologne
The following message has been posted in the news section of Amiga Future on 28. October 2000:

«There will be an Amiga show taking place in Cologne this year!!! Unfortunately we don't have the time to post more precise information on this topic, today. It will happen from 9.12.2000 to 10.12.2000 in Cologne.

As said, comprehensive and actual information can be found here at the Amiga Future.»

Supplement 29 Oct 2000
Quotations taken from the Amiga Future-Site:

«As promised yesterday here now some more information about the Amiga show in Cologne:

Haage & Partner organizes an Amiga exhibition on 9th and 10th of December in the central placed Mediapark in the Cologne North town. Several known exhibitors have already promised the exhibition management to attend. There are no information about the seminars and events for now. Therefore we don't release anything regarding these.

But it is sure that the exhibition date will be at the same time the sales start of the amigaOS 3.9. The OS 3.9 will now contain a complete non cut down TCP/IP stack and many more new features.

We will soon be able to present an exhibitors list and many more details at this place.

The Amiga Future will of course attend the show.»

[News message: 29. Oct. 2000, 07:06] [Comments: 0]
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