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27.Oct.2000 ANN | Whois entry at InterNIC Hackers have attacked InterNIC: Christian Kemp posted today at ANN, that the "Whois" entry of at InterNIC (the registration site for .com domains) looks currently as follows: MICROSOFT.COM.IS.SECRETLY.RUN.BY.ILLUMINATI.TERRORISTS.NET MICROSOFT.COM.IS.RULED.BY.HACKERJACK.COM MICROSOFT.COM.INSPIRES.COPYCAT.WANNABE.SUBVERSIVES.NET MICROSOFT.COM.HAS.NO.LINUXCLUE.COM MICROSOFT.COM Supplement: Richard Koerber told us on ANF: The InterNIC hack is a joke. The alleged "hacker attack" on InterNIC has turned out to be a misinterpretation of the result of the WHOIS query. Heise: Alleged hack on a joke (update) «The report is a canard. Seruriteam apparently did not make themselves familiar with the tools for querying the whois database before releasing the news. The clients do not only show the queried domain but all that contain the search string. If the query contains only the word Microsoft, you get several domains, among others MICROSOFT.FEARPENGUINS.CX. On a casual glance, the search result irritates: one might think, the entry was manipulated. An information contained in the search results states in such cases that it's several independent entries. Indeed the entry of the Microsoft domain remained unchanged - a joker from San Francisco has merely created sub-domains for the domain In another entry, he pays tribute to Apple with APPLE.COM.IS.THE.CHOICE.OF.ALL.SELF.RESPECTING.TERRORISTS.NET.» [News message: 27. Oct. 2000, 04:05] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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