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Dirk Baeyens by eMail

ACE 2000 - Show Report
Date: 25-oct-00 14:15:42
From: Michael Czajka

Subject: [ACE_2000] ACE 2000 Official show report


ACE was enjoyed by almost everyone and most people want to see it run again
next year.

Many vendors transacted not only business but networked and set up strategic
alliances with each other and the user groups. User groups worked
brilliantly together. Sponsorship, demo's and lots of other things are going
to occur as a result of this show. I know a few of the attendees spent until
the wee hours locked in a room discussing how to leverage strategic software
and hardware innovations.

The show was very much about software innovation although although a lot of
innovative hardware also took centre stage (RiscStation & VR21 spring to

AUSOM took out the most professional stand hands down. They also had the
biggest stand having an entire room to themselves. People loved the kind of
one-to-one they got with the most powerful of mac's.

CAUS took out the most innovative amongst the Amiga groups. It was a shame
we couldn't get their web cam on-line.

Bill McEwan took out most attendees at any seminars, followed closely by Ka
Ping Yee.

Most creative seminar goes to Tony Paterson who spoke about video editing on
the Draco and gave some excellent examples.

Most active stand for the user groups probably goes to LUV who were so busy
they had to get in another table although AUG spent a lot of its time pretty

Most active stand for the dealers probably goes for Symmetry Innovations
(QNX) who did seminars, demo's and had 4 people on the stand who often
couldn't keep up with the interest.

Most friendly stand goes to Ebay who spent the entire show showing us how to
use the net to trade better. I think the user groups showed them a thing or
two as well.

Most active Amiga stand goes to Vince Morton from Computer Magic. He had the
most up-to-date hardware and software and some absolute bargains! A $1000
SCSI scanner for $400! Wow!

Best graphical hardware was the VR21 3D glasses. I don't know how many they
sold but I do know that at least a couple of people went home interested in
developing for them.

Most bulletproof software was the RiscStation Point of Sale solution.
There's nothing more robust than an OS that goes on a ROM. 4Mb only!

Most eyecatching machine was the Amigatech A4000 Towerminator a plastic and
chrome monolith with a set of innovative thin film light emitting panels
that make it stand out even better in the dark. Unfortunately it's
temporarily out of production.

Best software utility must go to Greg Perry for his invaluable DirOpus. It's
a shame that he didn't do any seminars at this show.

The penultimate exhibitor award has to go to APANA who arranged to attend
and confirmed at something like 2am Friday morning.

Most embarrassing moment at the show: Has got to be when Amiga users Steven
Howard and I think it was Steve from CAUS didn't recognise the CEO of Amiga
Bill McEwen. Shame guys shame!

I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank all volunteers who helped
make the show a success. It was very much a user group effort.

In particular I'd like to thank Steven Howard who manned the door in a
competent fashion so that I really didn't worry about that aspect of it.

Tim who simplified my life with the food van (that was a Latrobe effort:
well done guys).

Guy Nathan (Cyberwolf) who pitched in just about everywhere as required.

Peter Margerison who helped print up all those nice badges, put signs on all
the tables so you'd know where to go and then helped as required.

Ewen Bell who did a fantastic job on our web site. Seona too for the help
she gave us in its genesis.

Dianne and Keith who manned/womanned the AUG/MAUG food stall.

Merv Stent who helped control the door at the dinner.

Erik and Janne who did an excellent job looking after the seminar room.

Jeff Dunn and all those other people (Latrobe) who hung around late on
Sunday and took home whatever garbage was left over from the show.

If I've forgotten anyone I apologise. If anyone didn't get contacted we're
sorry. I think we did work the volunteer list fairly hard. However often it
was a case of turning up and asking what to do.

All those others who just pitched in and did things when either I or Greg
asked... thanks! If either of us were not polite we apologise.

I tried to say hi to as many of you as I could at  the show but, I'm
disappointed that I couldn't touch base with more people. I'd have liked
that. Maybe next time? Or perhaps you'll catch me at one of the user group
meetings? Either way it was great to meet you all.

An examination of core costs established that the event did turn a profit.
Therefore such an event is financially viable. Unfortunately overall the
event made a loss. Despite this the organisers feel that ACE was well worth
holding. We had a great time, met great people and learned a great deal.

We think that the effects of the show may be far reaching. We know that many
people went away with each others numbers and are collaborating on "stuff".
It was a definitely a user based show (but what powerful users!) and had the
zing that most of our larger exhibitions seem to lack.

If I haven't mentioned something I ought to please e-mail me and I can do an

We thank you for your participation and hope that you'll be back for more
next year.

Michael Czajka
ACE 2000

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