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MorphOS Team

MorphOS - Butterfly 1.1, Ghostscript 5.10 and SoX 12.17 Released
The MorphOS team announced the following product updates:

  • Butterfly 1.1 is a graphical frontend for the MprphOS launch program. The program can be started from anywhere, but the standard prefs file assumes that Butterfly is in the user directory. Newly added was a ResetLevel switch, as on some configurations the standard ResetLevel settings did not work. Please read the Startup.doc file for more details. You'll find the archive here: Butterfly1.1.lha (38K).
  • Ghostscript 5.10 was ported for MorphOS/PPC. The installation requires the 68k mode as well as the IXEmul archive. The file is available for download at: gs510.lha (690K).
  • Sound eXchange 12.17 was ported to MorphOS. The program converts 20 different sound formats. The download archive can be found here: sox 12.17 morphos.lha (104K).

[News message: 20. Oct. 2000, 01:22] [Comments: 0]
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