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Stefan Schulze via eMail

Dreamworlds Development is Looking for One More Musician
Because Audun Evensen (our musician up to now) does not have enough time anymore we have decided to engage another musician. She/He should get along with each possible kind of music, work on time, be well up in editing samples and of course should be interested in games. Having a sampler, good hardware (PPC) and knowledge in English are advantageous but not necessary. Of course you are participated in proceeds from the sales. First (and urgent) music for Crossfire II is needed. Here is Techno or something like that sufficient. It`s all right if different kinds of music are used provided that it fits to hard action. :) I prefer stirring classical music but it is hard to handle with the computer. Furthermore some intermediate progression have to set to music (own format). After finishing CF2 (if a further co-operation is desired) we need right music (medieval, atmospheric, classical, sometimes rock music) instead of Techno for our next game called "Between The Lines", a role-playing in real time. Those ones who are interested in (or have any questions) please mail to with a demo work or state an internetaddress where I can find such a sample. A few information about yourself and your hardware configuration would be useful.

[News message: 18. Oct. 2000, 11:53] [Comments: 0]
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