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Milan Computer

Statement on Milan II
Even other systems (in this case Atari user) have to face disappointments. Milan II was put on hold. One now wants to make the operating system Atari-TOS (incl. MagiC) hardware independent by means of Linux. Then programs will be coded for one time and will run everywhere, which sure appears to be well known to Amiga users. Here some extract from the statement by Milan Computer, which is to read as full length (German) at the title link:

«Perspectives today are good on the one hand, and disappointing on the other hand: The Milan II was put on hold. Month of work eating thousands of Deutsch Marks disappeared as well as the hope of many Atari users to have their own and fast Milan II soon. This is primary to assign to technical difficulty. Moreover trying to find venture capital companies from Germany to increase fund remarkable over month failed. In this country at this time primary internet buildings in the air are supported and created, building fictitious million value from scratch to crash down as fast as it raised most of the time. One of the realy seldom companies able to offer their own small operating system provided with much of software unfortunately bears the big risc for the investors to provoke costs by matter manufacturing (main boards, etc.).

But this does not mean the end of the project, at all. Milan-Computersystems will continue to offer the Milan I with 040 processor to all of the people wanting a Milan today. And also the upgrade board to the 060 processor is still available and stable in the meantime. In fact there is nothing in the way to a Milan with 060 processor at this time.

Now the step which will be taken is to look towards Milan III. Therefore at this time there are two scenarios to choose from all of them banking on that the Milan-TOS (and with it the addon MagiC-Milan) to be able to be nearly hardware independent soon.
  • A. One elects a Linux kernel adaptation to e.g. AMD hardware (Athlon, Duron) and standard board peripheral equipment. Along with this a board will be chosen which just has to be imported in this country. If requirement like a big flash eprom are fulfilled this can be a TOS basing computer as before starting directly from chip. Performance with this solution would increase proportional to the used processor and with a 400MHz would have a much higher performance than a 060 processor.
  • B. One uses a (in case of need own) PPC G3/G4 board which is more close to the 68060 processor, so that from 350 MHz more than double performance would be gained.

To make TOS running on these processors an 68k interpreter will be integrated, in difference from a Windows or MacOS emulation running independent native making high performance possible.»

[News message: 11. Oct. 2000, 01:11] [Comments: 0]
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