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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
OpusGIFlags.lha      biz/dopus  171K++200 Flags NewIcons in OpusGIBar's forma
WW5spCatalog.lha     biz/misc    10K+Wordworth5 spanish catalogs. Update 2
DalHelper.lha        comm/irc    37K+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
MuYaReq.lha          comm/mail   31K+Info Req about selected YAM e-mail
PSMail.lha           comm/mail   93K+Prints YAM mails using GhostScript.
YerYamLogo.lha       comm/mail    3K+YerYamLogo, quick and Fun Yam Logo
EZPagerNG_CE.lha     comm/misc  357K+Send messages to german pagers (Scall,Sk
StreAmi.lha          comm/misc   23K+Shoutcast/Icecast Amiga client
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   431K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI). New plugs
Lynx.lha             comm/www   785K+Great WWW Browser,version 284dev10
SPO3-Invtro.lha      demo/aga   115K+Invitation intro for SPO ! (Amiga-only d
UP-EP004.lha         demo/sound 1.8M+UP ROUGH "Mixagrip EP" feat. Mortimer Tw
Emperor.lha          dev/c      498K+Object-oriented programming language
advlite20b8.lha      dev/misc   276K+Powerfull & neat AutodocViewer v2.0 BETA
MusicBox-2.1bi.lha   disk/cdrom 421K+Most powerful CDDA player and CD manager
NoDirCache.lha       disk/misc   33K+Reset DirCache partitions to FFS or FFS 
StarTrekCONN.lha     game/misc  570K+Play in the StarTrek:TNG Universe
ADoomPPC.lha         game/shoot 551K+Amiga PPC port of ADoom v1.5
ADoomPPC_src.lha     game/shoot 532K+Source code of Amiga PPC port of DOOM v1
WBPacman.lha         game/wb     49K+V1.10 BETA - Small workbench Pacman
RivaAudio.lha        gfx/show     4K+Real Fast Mpeg video 1 Player with sound
BetaScanMustek.lha   hard/drivr  71K+Mustek/Trust Scanner Driver For BetaScan
likdamind_II.lha     mods/blkha 330K+Digibooster mod by blakkhar with DSP-Ech
positron.mpg         mods/elbie 3.0M+Positronic Robotique [Synth] by ElbiE^t1
rno-r048.lha         mods/misc  300K+Rno-records release no.48 by Roz (Funkyh
Phm_Rmsc.lha         mods/pro   141K+014: "Reminiscenes" [Dance]
XGToolset7.lha       mus/midi   184K+Version 1.7 of the XGToolset for Bars&Pi
XGToolset7_src.lha   mus/midi   303K+Source of the XGToolset7 for Bars&Pipes
DelfScope.lha        mus/misc    51K+Oscilloscope/analyzer for Delfina DSP
MpegAnalys-r.lha     mus/misc    41K+Checks Mpeg audio files for errors
EP_MikeDavies.lha    mus/play     5K+EaglePlayer "Mike Davies" external repla
EP_PSA.lha           mus/play     5K+EaglePlayer "Professional Sound Artists"
PobreJoaquim.lha     pix/anim   991K+The famous Joaquim anim. Now with sound!
Anabolic_Koala.lha   pix/art     65K+Anabolic Koala
OS3.5-HQ-icons.lha   pix/icon   263K+High quality OS3.5 icons for games P1
OS35InputImg.lha     pix/misc   110K+OS3.5 Input Prefs remplacememt images
OS35LocaleImg.lha    pix/misc    78K+OS3.5 Locale Prefs remplacememt images
Silver_Gate.jpg      pix/vehic   96K+M/S Silver Gate
ttf2pfb.lha          text/font   70K+Convert TrueType to Postscript Type1 fon
ttfr.lha             text/font   16K+Rename true type fonts file correctly
DPMSManager.lha      util/blank  13K+CyberGfx/P96 DPMS energy saving manager
AHelp_NO.lha         util/cdity   2K+Norwegian catalog for AHelp v1.5
WbOpen1_11.lha       util/cli    15K+Open WB-drawers/files using CLI/Asl-requ
RC5Control.lha       util/misc   11K+Automated RC5 client control (FREEWARE)
AmiGOD.lha           util/moni   39K+V1.15 - Test and identify wb-program
XPKPatch18.lha       util/pack   22K+Unpacks XPK, PP & CrM files "on the fly"
y2four.lha           util/sys     1K+Year showing with four digits for list- 
DRemind_HU.lha       util/time    9K+Hungarian catalogs for DRemind 1.55
Safe.lha             util/virus  19K+Safe v14.5 - virus dicovering system
bc-machines.lha      util/wb    390K+Stylish set for VisualPrefs and Birdie

[News message: 07. Oct. 2000, 05:35] [Comments: 0]
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