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Marco Frischkorn on ANF

Establishing of a List with SDK and AmigaNG Software
I am trying to build up a list with all the new available and coming up software for the SDK and AmigaNG/AmigaONE. Because of this I need the following information:

1. Name of the programmer
2. Kind of program (Tool/Game etc.)
3. Explanation or link to one
4. Version number and date of release
5. A link to the program or to a downloadpage
6. A link to the homepage
7. Type of software: Shareware/Freeware/what-ever-ware...
8. Things you want to add

The list gives you the possibility to publish own software by using a central page. It is like a versionwatch for SDK and AmigaNG/AmigaONE software.

The list will be published at and may occure in a printed magazin. Due to my moving it is not possible to be online with on the first of september 2000. Please help me to help the Amiga, because only together we are a community.

[News message: 28. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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