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Bill McEwen via eMail

Amiga Incorporated and Infomedia Network Announce Strategic Relationship

Amiga Incorporated, and Infomedia Network, Inc. Announce Strategic Relationship for new line of Interactive Set-Top Boxes

August 16, 2000 Snoqualmie, WA - Houston, TX - Amiga Incorporated and Infomedia Network, Inc. today have announced a strategic relationship in delivering the Amiga and its content to a new line of broadband interactive set-top box products.

Infomedia Network is dedicated to bringing the best products to their new line of set-top boxes. These new products include TVision, the first in a family of interactive TV set-top products that provide the consumer with a low-cost, easy to use gateway for Internet and Entertainment. TVision connects to corporate LANs, as well as home DSL and cable modems through an Ethernet port and provides users with Internet access, scaleable real-time Video Conferencing, Interactive Video games, Movies-on-Demand, Home Banking, Point-of-Sale, and other exciting new features without the need for a PC.

"Amiga, Incorporated and the Amiga community offer great additions to the products and services that are planned for TVision", said Patrice Haftman, CEO of Infomedia Network. "Now TVision customers will have great content available to them from the best developers in the world."

"We are excited about working with Infomedia", said Bill McEwen, President/CEO Amiga Incorporated. "Amiga is the perfect fit for the products and services Infomedia are looking to offer to their OEMs and consumers. Amiga developers are already using the new Amiga SDK to create new applications, multi-media titles, and interactive content that are perfect for this new line of Set-top Boxes."

Infomedia Network and Amiga are privately held companies, and terms of the transaction were not available.

For more information on either company please visit their web sites:, and respectively.

About Amiga:
Amiga is focused on creating a multi-media digital environment that provides developers with a true write once run anywhere scenario. Amiga includes a rich 15-year history of industry leadership in the development of what we know as multi-media.

About Infomedia Network:
Infomedia Network, Inc. is a communications technology company with patents pending on new digital TV consumer devices that enable broadcast television, voice telephone services, high-speed Internet, TV quality video conferencing, and on-demand games and entertainment that use existing copper wiring inside the home. Infomedia is currently the only company today building advanced TV / multi-media set-top boxes that address the needs of the next-generation "Full Service Network" for each type of broadband infrastructure.

[News message: 16. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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