Bernward Hofmann via eMail
MusiXTeX T.99 available
A message maby still interessting for some user. At least at the sites of Amiga-Club some queries occured about
MuscTex, the precursor of MusiXTeX. This macripacket with ASCII files also runs with the TeX systems on Amiga
(PasTeX and AmigaTeX=MaxonTex). The latest version of the author Daniel Taupin
is available now. Since macro packets are from TeX ASCII code a porting to our Amiga - assuming a working TeX system -
should not be such a big problem. I'm working since many years with MusicTeX (the precursor) and will have a look at
MusiXTeX next times.
Download: musixtex.zip
[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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