Andreas L. at ANF
New Version of 'Dropout-Killers'
Ab heute kann die neue Version 2.01 des Movieshop-Tools bei Elastic Images
downgeloadet werden. Das Programm ist um eine Vielzahl von Funktionen erweitert worden:
- Own GUI (basing on the triton.library)
- One can mark as many pictures as wanted and repair them within one calculation
- Bubble help
- The help guide can be shown in its own window directly on the Movieshop screen
(Amigaguide or Multiview recommended)
Although the software still is in an early beta stage, it runs very stable and without errors, so far.
There is a special campaign for this programm: registered users of the free version 1.xx can order
thier personell keyfile at the prise of only 10DM (5EUR). But, this campaign only counts until 31 Jun 2000.
[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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