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Stefan Robl by e-mail

Intermediate status report / new web and e-mail addresses
The fact that I have not yet released new updates for ArtecScan, FMdriver, CGXBlanker, PPCjpeg etc. does not mean I have cancelled the projects! On the contrary: many new improvements are already planned, some even already implemented - I am lacking the time necessary for completing them. The reason: Right now I have numerous other (Amiga related) tasks to tend to.

Nevertheless there are some changes: My homepage is now available at the new domain Starting immediately, my new e-mail address is also valid: The old addresses will remain valid parallely for a long time, however I suggest adjusting the bookmarks / address books now.

As a small gimmick, my homepage has another (hardware) photography - of a Zorro II autoconfig board for the A500, which I built/developed years ago. There will be news about this within the year. More about it later... :)

[News message: 23. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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