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Pierre Prestel in ANF

.Amiga too long as a domain ending!
The article has been removed, since it seems to be an early April Fool's joke. (mb)

Regarding the article above, we recieved the following counter-reply from Pierre Prestel, which we release unchanged:

Pierre Prestel [http://Amiga.Ac]
Admin@Amiga.Ac [mailto:Admin@Amiga.Ac]
30. March 2000


On the internet site "/archiv/news0003.shtml", my article from March 23rd, 2000 was changed by the Amiga-News.De editors, to make the following incorrect claim:

Post Scriptum 28.03.2000:
Article removed, since it seems to be an early April Fool's joke.
Herewith I make use of my right to have a counter-reply published! My article, where I promised a free .pc domain including unlimited webspace to the first 50 people sending in an e-mail, has been removed to make the incorrect claim that it seems like an early April Fool's joke. This is a FALSE claim which probably was intended to reduce my creditibility and the status of the Amiga search engine http://Amiga.Ac.
Once again I want to confirm that all of the first 50 people sending in an e-mail (which have not been reached so far) will recieve the promised domain including unlimited webspace.

Pierre Prestel

Note from the editors:
1. ICANN "Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number" - Authority for CCTLDs (CountryCodeTopLevelDomain) - has only accepted a single new CCTLD since it's founding, "ps" standing for Palestina. There are no informations about accepting a "pc" CCTLD.

2. IANA "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" - Authority in IP issues - maintains the list of all valid CCTLDs for the ICANN, and also does not list an CCTLD "pc".

3. Only the name server available at lists the CCTLD "pc". None of the worldwide, centralized name servers on the internet knows this CCTLD. This means that persons who want to surf to a subdomain of the CCTLD "pc" have to tell their TCP/IP stack to use the nameserver first.

For the above reasons, we (the editors) don't think that a claim for counter-reply is valid. In the interest of finding the truth, we of course accepted the text above for official release. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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