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Aminet Recents

Neue Aminet Uploads
pio_icon.lha         biz/cloan   24K+Use PPaint as Icon-Editor with OS3.5 Sup
MTRechIII_1_08.lha   biz/dbase  1.3M+MT-RechnungIII Invoice program V1.08
PQL.lha              biz/dbase  159K+The "plain query language" is a kind of 
OpusMI.lha           biz/dopus  806K+GlowIcon DOpus Images Release 3
Bonds.lha            biz/misc   499K+German Stocks-Software with Inet-Update
STFax41Upd.lha       biz/patch  656K+Upgrade STFax Pro from 4.0 to 4.1
AmBoS-Update.lha     comm/ambos 1.2M+AmBoS-Update Rel. 2.98i (Friday 25-Feb-0
DalHelper.lha        comm/irc    36K+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
UnrealIRCd-bin.lha   comm/irc   357K+Advanced IRC Daemon Based On Elite-IRCD
AminetFileReq.lha    comm/mail   59K+Aminet recent mail/Aminet search tool (m
TATty.lha            comm/misc   39K+Internet Dial Cost By Mak41 (Italian)
TView.lha            comm/tcp    54K+List TV-programs in Europe.
MuttAdditional.lha   comm/uucp  224K+Text-only mail-agent V1.1.5
Mutt_000_pop.lha     comm/uucp  236K+Text-only mail-agent V1.1.5
Mutt_000_uucp.lha    comm/uucp  233K+Text-only mail-agent V1.1.5
Mutt_040_pop.lha     comm/uucp  227K+Text-only mail-agent V1.1.5
Mutt_040_uucp.lha    comm/uucp  226K+Text-only mail-agent V1.1.5
JavaSDate.lha        comm/www     1K+JavaScript Todays Date on HTMLpage Voyag
MassDL.lha           comm/www    29K+Less work on WWW Leching. (AWeb) v1.3
Concrete.lha         demo/aga   1.8M+Concrete Demo by Ephidrena - Rank#1 at T
Ride.lha             demo/aga   1.6M+When we ride on our Enemies - demo from 
Scraps.lha           demo/aga   1.0M+Scraps of Beings demo by Mankind
Spellbound.lha       demo/aga   1.7M+Spellbound demo by Loveboat - Rank#2 at 
Substral.lha         demo/aga   1.2M+Substral Demo by Ephidrena - from THE PA
Wildlife.lha         demo/aga   876K+Wildlife by Abyss - from TP98
Yaga.lha             demo/aga   4.4M+Yaga demo by Anadune - Released at Satel
simplecalc.lha       dev/c       58K+A Simple Calculator with source code
devpic.lha           dev/cross   64K+PIC16 development pacjage
wosdb.lha            dev/debug   33K+A simple WarpOS/PowerOpen debugger
TransCat121.lha      dev/misc   145K+MUI Editor Catalog (.cd .ct)
MCC_Toolbar.lha      dev/mui     47K+Toolbar custom class for MUI (V15.6)
AmigaFolies.lha      docs/anno   22K+Amiga WE 1 & 2 IV 2000 Toulon by AFLE
iFd-Colly3.lha       docs/misc    2K+Unofficial iFd ASCII Collection #3
scenet32.lha         docs/misc  155K+SCENET - Sceners's internet database - #
QWServers.lha        game/hint    2K+A List of Quakeworld Servers(English ver
Escape.lha           game/role  561K+Graphic adventure game for A1200
WarpQuake.lha        game/shoot 332K+WarpOS Quake port
WarpQuake_src.lha    game/shoot 745K+WarpOS Quake port source
TextElite.lha        game/text   47K+Text version of space trading game Elite
seahaven2000.lha     game/think  60K+Patience card game by DawnBringer
WBPerplexity14.lha   game/wb    410K+Version 1.4 update of WBPerplexity
moremandel.lha       gfx/fract   13M+Oh no, not more Mandelbrot's...
PGMKey.lha           gfx/misc     4K+Find double pictures by id's. V1.2
ImagePool.lha        gfx/show    74K+Shared library to cache images
A2DiskDump.lha       misc/emu    22K+Extract files from Apple II Disk Image
DarcNES.lha          misc/emu   153K+NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/CV emulator v9a022
Frodo.lha            misc/emu   384K+C64 emulator for WarpUP, rev 2 (000226)
AmiPCB_1.00.lha      misc/sci    96K+PCB vectorial electronics program
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.4M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.8.8)
Voice_heart.mpg      mods/elbie 4.9M+Voice_heart [Classical] by ElbiE^t13n!
01Project_kill.mpg   mods/mpg   5.6M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track01 -> Project_
02Goa_uhl.mpg        mods/mpg   3.9M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track02 -> 02Goa_uh
03devilz_parad.mpg   mods/mpg   3.3M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track03 -> devilz_p
04next_level.mpg     mods/mpg   3.6M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track04 -> next lev
05Kickbais.mpg       mods/mpg   4.3M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track05 -> kickbais
06blacks_room.mpg    mods/mpg   3.7M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track06 -> blacks r
07drugs_of_del.mpg   mods/mpg   4.5M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track07 -> drugs of
08future_dream.mpg   mods/mpg   4.4M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track08 -> future d
09Loveless_som.mpg   mods/mpg   3.6M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track09 -> Loveless
10Light_in_dar.mpg   mods/mpg   3.4M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track10 -> Light in
11mystix.mpg         mods/mpg   5.2M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track11 -> mystix (
12myst_world.mpg     mods/mpg   3.5M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track12 -> myst wor
13not_your_ext.mpg   mods/mpg   2.7M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track13 -> not your
14bad_day.mpg        mods/mpg   3.8M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track14 -> bad day 
15Bass_in_snow.mpg   mods/mpg   3.5M+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track15 -> bass in 
mvp_0057.lha         mods/mvp   1.2M+MoPlayaz - growing older
mvp_0058.lha         mods/mvp   1.3M+MoPlayaz - ma'mama is a rocka
mvp_0062.lha         mods/mvp   860K+MoPlayaz - cosy bed jam
bO-007.lha           mods/techn 188K+#007 bOhema release by otton
crs_dpac.lha         mods/techn 2.3M+CRS00053: 'Do Pensamento Ao Caos' EP by 
MSE.lha              mus/midi   198K+MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE
Med2Xm-GUI.lha       mus/misc   117K+GUI for Fileformatconverter Med2Xm
MP3TEDv29.lha        mus/misc   162K+MP3-TagEditor v2.9 - Update!
USS.lha              mus/misc     7K+Universal SID Scope for use with playsid
Deli14BitGenie.lha   mus/play     2K+HQ Mixer (DSP, Pan, Filters), now suppor
PlayGUI.lha          mus/play   501K+Finally!Modplayer with Skins! V.2.4!
plone.lha            mus/play   259K+V1.2 - PlayList AddOn for PlayGui
RicSkinsVol1.lha     mus/play    66K+Some cool skins for PlayGUI v.2.x
SPlayer_v1.9e.lha    mus/play   194K+Super Audio GUI - Cape Extra
FalconCloseUp.jpg    pix/mark   442K+Han Solo's Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)
Textloader.lha       text/edit  641K+Amigatext Editor 8.0.1b in CanDo
2b_Ort.lha           text/misc  821K+Polish spell checker by BlaBla, v1.20
MiniMen.lha          util/batch  97K+A GUI menu program with many application
AntiBlanker.lha      util/blank   8K+A tool that disables your screen blanker
WBStartup+.lha       util/boot  250K+WBStartup Enhancer
PCD-DT35.lha         util/dtype  77K+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (44.2)
CopperDecode.lha     util/moni   38K+Disassembles OCS/ECS/AGA Copper Lists 
XPKPatch17.lha       util/pack   20K+Unpacks XPK and PP files "on the fly"
Convert35Icon.lha    util/sys    30K+Convert35Icon: Convert OS35 icons into N
KickCopyPPC.lha      util/sys     8K+Copies Kickstart to file using PPC
RAWBInfo.lha         util/sys    48K+ReAction based icon information (1.10)
DefIcons44.lha       util/wb     34K+DefIcons clone for os3.5 (44.4)
DirScanner.lha       util/wb     41K+V2.2: Small and nice filefinder.
MUISearch13.lha      util/wb     27K+Mutli Files Finder with MUI interface
WorkBench2000.lha    util/wb     87K+Win98 Menu & Task bar
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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