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Steven Flowers by e-mail

Alive Mediasoft News
Alive Mediasoft has added two new games to their portfolio, which should be available very soon:

Ultimate XTreme Racing with new tracks, new sound, new music, new opponents and new intro.

Giana Sisters Trilogy will be available starting mid March, and include a patch for 040/060/PPC and gfx card support.

The games Goal 2000 and Whales Voyage 2 have been partially improved. Goal 2000 recieved a new intro and is easier to install. Whales Voyage 2 recieved a manual, a new intro and an easier installation routine.

For those who already purchased these two games, Alive Mediasoft will soon provide patches on their homepage. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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