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Frank Wille

Quake 1.09 by Frank Wille released
The Beta-Release of Quake 1.09 supports AGA, CGX, chunkyppc.library (Screen, Public Screen, WB Window, Double-Triple buffering, P96 PiP), Amiga Keyboard, -mouse, - joystick, TCP/IP, Sound (audio.device) and CD-Audio playback. It is available from Frank Wille`s webpage (title link). For a detailed how-to please read the manual.

These is also the new version 0.7d of the ppclibemu available. It emulates the ppc.library and PowerUP kernel under WarpOS. An own ELF-LoadSeg patch is included, and allows many (some?) PowerUP programs to run just like on the original environment. The programs that run don't show a significant performance penalty. Some of the programs even run faster under ppclibemu than under Phase5`s original kernel. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 22. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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