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Stefan Robl by e-mail

Christmas / New Year greetings
Dear friends, aquaintances and users of my software!
Another year is almost gone, and I want to write what has happened this year from my point of view.

For one, my studies are doing well (I am in my 5th half-year), but it takes me more time than I expected. This sometimes causes significant delays in my coding projects and / or in writing e-mails. I want to say sorry for this, but my studies have to be top priority.

In the summer break I wanted to use every free hour for coding - and that's what I did, resulting in good progress in my projects. At first, the WizardClasses, an object-oriented C++ development system, recieved a major update, allowing me to develop others more efficiently. I planned to release this system to the public midtime next year, to make life easier for other programmers.

The first remarkable release this year was my new FrameMachine driver system "FMdriver", which has been accepted very well by the users of this video board. It is now also possible with FMdriver to watch TV on Workbench, with full PPC support for super fast color space conversions.

Afterwards I was planning to finish ArtecScan 2.0 - the scanner driver for Artec scanners. With my recently updated WizardClasses, I was able to finish it faster than usual. But then, the worst thing for every coder happened: my system hard drive was defective, and I lost my complete data (source codes, e-mails and other data). With the help of Petra Struck (author of the German "AmigaNews"), which published my need for an identical hard drive, and Hendrik Hanke, who did lend me his hard drive, I was able to recover my lost data by exchanging the defective controller board. Thanks again!!

Well, this did cost me roughly two weeks work, and by summer brak was over. ArtecScan was not finished again... :( Of course I tried to continue with the ArtecScan development, but with this it took some more weeks.

I demonstrated the results of my work on a little computer exhibition, the "Computronika" end of October in Germany. Afterwards, I released the alpha versions of ArtecScan to the public on my homepage.

After I released ArtecScan, I wrote a FrameMachine driver for the hardware independant video driver standard (VHI) by Felix Schwarz.

Two weeks later, the most important Amiga event of the year took place, the HomeElectronicsWorld'99 in Cologne. Of course I was there, too, and met a lot of people. It was a nice event, and it made clear that the Amiga will live on!

In the very least I will continue programming for the Amiga, and use it, and I hope you do, too! If Haage & Partner, Amiga Inc. and DCE do the right thing, we can have a great new computer by the end of next year!

At the end I wish you all a merry christmas (a little delayed), and a happy new year!! Yours, Stefan Robl. (ps)

[News message: 27. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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