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Ralph Schmidt by e-mail

MorphOS PowerPC OS announcement
Today we announce the availability of a new Amiga next generation PowerPC
OS project, called MorphOS, to the public.

In its current state it provides a modern memory protection microkernel
which runs a virtual amiga emulation.  This microkernel will be the base
for a new OS layer.

Research for this project started in early 1998, while at the end of 1998
an early implementation was ready.  In 1999, we started on the virtual
amiga emulation to make the current AmigaOS available without requiring 68K
hardware. The basic design goals behind MorphOS are

- memory protection
- resource tracking
- asynchronous message system
- low interrupt latency
- virtual memory (optional)
- distributed computing
- symmetrical multi processing (SMP)
- recursive memory management
- task/thread and clan/chief model
- clean design with an elegant API
- micro/pico kernel mixture

The developer release is planned for end of January.  Minimum system
requirements are
- A4000 with CyberStorm PPC/604e and Symbios 770 SCSI
- CyberVisionPPC
- at least 32MB memory installed
- Kickstart 3.1 (Version 40.68) and Workbench 3.1 or up
Hardware requirements might change as soon as more hardware setups are
tested and implemented.

As the success of this project will also depend on your feedback/support,
we suggest that interested developers visit our project webpage for a
general MorphOS overview and information on how to join us to help.

Feel free to enter the project webpage at or

[News message: 24. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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