Martin Baute
Translator wanted!
Since the "restart" of the English pages of Amiga-News, the daily translations are a one-man-job
again because Marek didn't respond so far.
I am looking for users willing (long-term) to do German - English translations regulary of all
news items appearing on a given day of the week (or two), and send them to me by e-mail.
You don't need to know HTML well. If you can type <A HREF=""> and <OBJECT><UL><LI>,
know the pop-up menu of your favourite browser and can handle a text editor, you qualify. :-)
Oh, and you should be able to read (and understand) German. ;-)
Those interested in supporting Amiga-News this way should contact me by e-mail.
[News message: 18. Dec. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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