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Martin Strobl by eMail

COOL bits Newsticker
Martin Strobl writes:
- first, despite the latest news from America (Gateway, Amiga Inc., Collas, etc.) we will of course continue to support the Amiga :-)). If our business can remain "Amiga only" (well, and a little bit Casablanca :-) ), is very uncertain currently, however :-(. No matter what might be our new business, it won't be PC :-)))).
All in all, I think the future for the Amiga (or whatever it will be called) lies in the PowerPC (603/604 - G3/G4). I don't believe anything usable will come from Amiga Inc. any more :-(. I'd like to be convinced otherwise.
I recommend all Amiga users join the PPC movement, or at least wait until the Amiga show (Home Electronics World) in November before deciding to change platforms.
- our homepage is undergoing a complete restructuring right now, so there are no updates for now. I home the new homepage to be online in about two weeks.
I'm on holiday this week, and won't be answering emails before it's over. Our shop remains open, of course :-) (ps)

[News message: 01. Oct. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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