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Petro Seen In "Neues" On 3sat
On Monday in the evening Petro Tyschtschenko gave a short interview about the MCC not to be released. The interviewer asked what kind of strange game is played by Amiga Inc. in the USA. Petro explained that the current developement was a surprise for him too. He coorperated with Jim Collas very good and didn't have a doubt that the MCC is going to be released. But he got used to surprises and stress situations, how everyone knows and this he will master the situation again. The interviewer: "This means to cry about our old, beloved Amiga again." Everyone who wants to see the interview again can watch the rerun on Saturday, the 2nd of October at 2.00 pm. (ps)

[News message: 28. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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