Carsten Schröder by eMail
'Giga' appearance by Petro Tyschtschenko postponed to 16.09.99
Aside from the info about Tom Schmidts message, Amiga-aktuell has found the following change on the Amiga website:
+++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++
Due to his recent USA trip, the appearance of AMIGA Vice President Petro Tyschtschenko
in the computer show 'NBC Giga' has been postponed to Thursday, September 16th, 6:00 PM.
According to the following information, however, it's hardly the Amiga future which will
be talked about, but more probably the history of our computer system:
»24.08.1999 AMIGA International, Inc. at NBC GIGA-TB
NBC GIGA-TV has invited AMIGA International, Inc. (in person of Petro Tyschtschenko)
to participate in a talkshow, since AMIGA has a very turbulent past, which is unique
in computer history. In the show, which is more entertaining than technical, there
will be talk (among other) about AMIGA in Commodore and Escom times. ANNEX will appear,
too. The show will be broadcast on Thursday, September 16th, on 6:00 PM.« (ps)
[News message: 06. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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