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Secret of the Transmeta CPU unveiled
Yesterday, Transmeta unveiled the secret Crusoe CPU as promised. It is a CPU clocked up to 700 MHz while staying relatively cool. With this, it offers the performance needed for today's usual multimedia and Internet applications. Additionally, the CPU is completely x86-compatible.
Other links on the subject:
CNN: Transmeta unveils futuristic Crusoe chip
ZDNet: Transmeta takes wraps off Crusoe (Translation: mb)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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IRC Log - Live Chat with TAO-Group and Fleecy Moss
As announced yesterday by John Porter, Amiga Oasis Online hosted a live chat with representatives of the TAO Group and Fleecy Moss. I participated in the Chat, and logged it: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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EETimes: Moto(rola) invests in virtual processor software house
GNN titles: Motorola investing in Amiga partner Tao more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Flowers by e-mail

Alive Mediasoft looking for programmers and game reviewers
We need your help more staff need to work from home we need programers to join hower in house devolement team and a game reviewer to work for The Pulse if your are intrasted in any of the persions please conted (Translation: mb)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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ADX Datentechnik website with new layout
ADX has reworked their website completely and very neatly. An online shop has been implemented, where all articles can be ordered directly online. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by e-mail

Virus Help Denmark reports link virus "Hitch Hiker v4.11"
Virus Help Denmark found a virus infected archive on Aminet on January 18th. The archive is infected with the link virus "Hitch Hiker v4.11". More information on the archive: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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clickBOOM insane?
clickBOOM makes a weird offer: Those who mark themselves as complete clickBOOM and Amiga fan, having a tattoo with the words "clickBOOM" or "Amiga" or a logo made, get all clickBOOM games for free. Contact with clickBOOM should be made before getting the tattoo done. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Aaron "AROS" Digulla
Interview with Aaron "AROS" Digulla. (ps)

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Fleecy answers some questions by Gary Storm
AQUAFRESH - Fleecy answered some questions by Gary Storm (ps)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaGuide® to be reworked
AmigaGuide® to be reworked. (ps)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl by e-mail

APC&TCP mostly unavailable due to illness
Due to illness, APC&TCP will be mostly unavailable starting January 17th to early, mid March 2000. During this time, only snail mail (APC&TCP-Computerclub, Postfach 83, D-83236 Übersee) will be answered with a small delay, if you enclose enough money for return stamps. The answering machine (phone +49-(0)8642/89995) will be checked regulary, but please understand not everybody can be called back. Fax, e-mails and storage media can be send, but will not be read and answered before early/mid March. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News
3SAT - Neues

3SAT Computermagazin Neues mentions Amiga
The computer magazine "NEUES" by 3SAT (German TV channel), known for really good investigations and matter-of-fact reports is becoming more and more liked by Amiga users, because, for a positive change, "NEUES" does not ignore the Amiga in their reports. On January 17th, there was a report about the sellout and the cooperation with the TAO Group. Citing: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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John Porter by e-mail

Live chat with TAO Group
The Live Chat will take place today at 16:00 GMT. Sorry for posting this so late, but I didn't have a change to translate any sooner. (mb) more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Dietz

Meeting with Bill McEwen in Frankfurt
Bill McEwen, President and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Amiga Incorporated, explained his vision for the future of the Amiga on January 17th. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Mayer-Gürr by e-mail

CSC contest over
After 62 days and 98% keys done, the CSC key has been cracked. The correct key was found by a Sparcbox (with Solaris) in the USA. The Amiga team has done 4 million key blocks with 228 keys each, for a total of 1.11% of the keyspace. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Petra Struck

MeKa pictures
Hosted by the Fachhochschule Karlsruhe (Technical College), the yearly "Meeting Karlsruhe" took place last weekend, for the seventh time and with about 150 participants. I was overwhelmed by the really phantastic organisation of this huge meeting. There were 5 rooms with 30-35 computers each completely networked. The Fachhochschule provided a free 10 MBit connection in addition to their rooms, which led to great download rates. Thanks to the ATM systems from HiLan, there even where 155 MBit available locally. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News
  • AHXRipper v4.41
    Christian Rosentreter told us by e-mail:
    Kåre Johansen recently released version 4.21 of his popular AHXRipper (formerly THXRipper). v4.21, v4.41, I really don't know - probably you do... (mb)
    Moreover, other tools of him (several ABBS v2 tools, LazyFiles 1.01, CheckDrive 1.01, ...) are available for download from his homepage.
  • Tumult releases the source code of the MUI class Xenbar. The archive can be very useful if you want to create alternative #?.image files. It is the original source code by Stefan Stuntz. Download: Xenbar.LHA
  • At Duffs Homepage you can find a new version of his HTMLview version 12.6. Download: MCC_HTMLview_Update.LZX - 64 Kb
  • For registered users of Photogenics there is a new update to version 4.4 beta 75. This update contains new modi like RubEmboss and BumpMap as well as an improved Emboss modus. Download: Update75.lha - 950 Kb
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jorge Pino by e-mail

AOL for Amiga looking for support
Jorge Pino writes:
We are looking for:
- enthusiastic Amiga programmers and users
- web designer with experience in Java, CGI scripting, HTML
- if possible, programmers wanting to port an AOL software
- support of the project by translations to Spanish, French, English etc. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Robl in ANF

FMdriver VHI v1.1 released
Stefan Robl has released version 1.1 of his VHI driver for the Framemachine on January 15th. Some VHI problems have been removed in this version, and all features recently added to VHI are supported. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

HTMLview.mcc v12.6 released
Allan Odgaard has released version 12.6 of his MUI class for viewing HTML documents on January 16th. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Payback status report #7
James Daniels from Apex Designs has posted the 7th Payback status report on January 16th. Additionally, the link page has been updated. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Additional Informations by Alive Mediasoft
Elite 3 will support PPC and Warp3D. It is being ported by the people doing the Descent 2 port, too. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jim in c.s.a.g.

3 Amiga advertisments from 1989
On his homepage, Jim offers three Amiga commercials from 1989 for download. The three ads, described as very well made, are tailored to the US market, and have been broadcasted on MTV in 1989. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Patrik Henz in Metalmoon ML

fom2001 - CD-ROM collection
fom2001 is a CD-ROM from the Faces of Mars PD series. The CD contains the best from over 500 disks. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

HSMathLibs v44.41 beta 2
Cyberdyne Systems has released version 44.41 beta 2 of the HSMathLibs for MC68040 and MC68060 on January 15th. In this update, many functions have been optimized and some bugs fixed. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

WarpJPEG.datatype v44.6
Oliver Roberts has released version 44.6 of the WarpJPEG datatype on January 15th. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Virtual Ball Fighters
Amiga Flames has released informations and screenshots on the game Virtual Ball Fighters. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Sylvio K. in ANF

DeepSilence extra games wanted
We are looking for extra games for the action Manga RPG DeepSilence, that can be played within the game in some kind of game arcade. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Times

CD32 Alliance online again
The CD32-Alliance pages, maintained by Thorsten Schölzel, are online again, and in a new design. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Melody Z2
Kato Development writes on their own website:
December last year, a limited number of almost-finished Melody Z2 were offered for a special price. The demand was incredibly high, so we wanted to produce some new. Sadly, some of the parts are very hard to get, or completely unavailable. So we cannot produce more Melody Z2 in this form. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Amiga Format: Open Letter to the Editor
In the February issue 2000 of Amiga Format, SView Productivity Suite II by Andreas Kleinert is ranked 49%. In this open letter to the magazine, Andreas Kleinert speaks out about this test result. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga, The Next Generation
In this text, Jack Seay focuses on the history of Windows and Amiga, and voices his thoughts and opinions on past and future of Amiga. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Motorola investing in Tao
Motorola is investing in Tao Group Ltd., and is planning to use Taos Virtual Processor and the Java-based OS technology in products of their own (e.g. mobile communication, Internet). An important issue for portable applications is the virtual code needing less memory than native code, despite being executed fast. With a RISC CPU, the memory factor is 1.4 to 1.7. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Times

DDE website in new design
Digital Dreams Entertainment (Wasted Dreams) created a new design for their website. At the same time they announce that they are working on the second part of Wasted Dreams. System requirements: Amiga with AGA or graphics card, 4 MB RAM and 2x CD-ROM. First screenshots are to be released soon. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Frieden in 3DWorld ML

Hyperion Software looking for programmers
For upcoming projects, Hyperion Software is looking for a programmer. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fleecy Moss in a newsgroup

Setting some things straight
* Forwarded from "Team Amiga" Mailinglist
* Originally from: fleecy moss (
* Original date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 11:19:45 -0500

In my trawling around the community hangouts,
I have come across several misconceptions, rumours,
and a lot of confusion. Whilst I can't hope to answer
everything, here are some things I want to set straight.

0. Amiga will build a digital content universe. Digital
   content means anything composed of 0 and1 -
   applications, video, audio, games, emails, whatever.
   We will focus on 2 markets, the pathfinder market,
   for digital adventurers, power users, gamers,
   content creators, DTPers, artists, video  ppl
   and those who refuse to define a computer as
   a digital appliance. Our second market will
   cocentrate on the Domestic Digital Habitat (DDH).

1. If you are a personal computer person, there will
   be a personal computer second wave Amiga.

2. We will support classic development in so much
   as we want to help users and developers transition
   to a new machine. That will be the total extent of our
   support for the classic machine. If this involves further
   AmigaOS releases, then so be it.

3. We are targetting x86 and PPC for the first consumer
   release of Pathfinder products (if you are a personal
   computer person, this means you).

4. We will do everything in our power (that doesnt bankrupt
   us or interfere with our primary goals) to ensure classic
   Amiga software runs on the new machine in some form or
   another.. The new Amiga product family (formerly called
   AQUA) will run natively and hosted. This is to create a large
   market fast  for Amiga developers to profit from. For the first
   pathfinder release it will run hosted to see this market grow
   fast. We see one of our core duties as serving the developers.

6. We are talking to the Phoenix Consortium about common

7. We have been contacted by QNX but currently have no plans
   to work with them.

8. We will develop Amiga products for another market, the
   Domestic Digital Habitat (DDH) market. This markets will
   be kept separate but products will work together if the installer
   so desires it.

9. There will be a new website and it will be public shortly. It has
   been tested on all browsers, Amiga and non Amiga, and given
   the compatibility problems between the implementations of open
   standards, our best effort has been made. The site   will grow
   quickly and more information will be added. We want it to become a
   village where all Amigans can come to voice their opinions, chat,
   and travel off  to different parts of the Amiga universe.

a. A developer support manager has been selected and they are
   working  on implementing   the developer support program. This will
   be in  place before the developer boxes are released.

b. The developer boxes are specced out, we have contacted several
   whitebox manufacturers and we are building the distribution.

c. Amiga will not provide dates until we have a product. We will share
   timelines, but will not attach dates to them. Enough damage has
   already been done.

d. We have had acceptances from 75% of our development team and
   their names and roles will be announced once we get back from
   training (before the end of the month).

This mail can be redistributed without modification within the community.
As further questions and issues come up, we will attempt to answer them.
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bill Gates resigns as Microsoft CEO
"Microsoft founder and so-far CEO and Chairman Bill Gates passes on the CEO position of the worlds largest software company Microsoft. New CEO will be Gates friend and former Microsoft President Steve Ballmer. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News

EETimes: Amiga reborn via Tao alliance
EETimes has a very detailed article by Junko Yoshida on the cooperation by AMIGA and TAO-Group. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Audio Evolution

Audio Evolution
Davy Wentzler writes: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Flowers by e-mail

New Alive Mailinglist
Alive Mediasoft has opened a new mailinglist, where news about their games are posted. Moreover, Steve informed that, due to bandwith issues, the website was temporarily unavailable over the christmas days. The bandwidth has been improvd, so the problems should be solved. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Dietz by e-mail

Istec 100x configuration tool
Christoph Dietz writes: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz by e-mail

Innovative News
Fourth coup of the video pros - VLRec NG 4.0 available!
VLRec NG 4.0 shines with many new features. Aside from the reworked interface graphics in GlowIcons look and the option to record in different sizes, there is now a direct interface to fxPAINT. Moreover, the speed of VLRec NG has been further improved, and new effects are available. A must-have for owners of any VHI-compatible video card! more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl by e-mail

English Version of SeaSide released
Andreas Magerl of APC & TCP writes: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Orth by e-mail

Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko
Daniel Orth writes:
In an interview with, Petro Tyschtschenko said that Amiga already sold 12,000 OS 3.5, this number however being not yet sufficient to earn money. That would take 25,000. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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 Latest Top-News
Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga V3.0b1 (15. Sep.)
Image editor: PyDPainter 2.0.0 for Windows, Linux and macOS (03. Sep.)
AROS: Full version of word processor Final Writer 7.1 (26. Aug.)
AROS: Demo version of word processor Final Writer 7.1 (25. Aug.)
Crowdfunded book: Retro Gaming Library - Amiga Edition (18. Aug.)
Operating system for the Amiga: Second alpha version of "Serena OS" (13. Aug.)
MorphOS: Continued GMail support by Iris questionable (11. Aug.)
Print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 18 (09. Aug.)
Amiga Kit: A600GS available / Paolo Cattani games pre-installed (04. Aug.)
Debbie Harry portrait by Andy Warhol and picture files resurfaced (01. Aug.)
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