| Monday, 28. Oct. 2002 | Comments / Date |
| Event: The Ottawa Amiga Show 2002 - Website update | 1 | 31. Oct. 15:16 |
| Two new scripts for AWeb by Olivier Fabre | 0 | |
| Amiga port of Gnutella (early beta version) available | 0 | |
| Chess: AmiChess bugfix | 0 | |
| Datatypes: akJFIF/PNG/TIFF Update Version 45.7 | 0 | |
| Videos of LARP Tamar I and LARP Tamar II online | 0 | |
| C.A.P.S.: Update from 28th October 2002 | 0 | |
| Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 29.10.2002) (Update) | 0 | |
| Mail program: New Developer version of YAM from 26.10.2002 | 0 | |
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| Sunday, 27. Oct. 2002 | |
| Game: dynAMIte V2.2 | 0 | |
| MPEG: SMPEG V0.4.4 - MPEG-1 player library for SDL | 0 | |
| Geek Gadgets: Status after breakdown on 10th October 2002 | 0 | |
| AOG: nettoe | 0 | |
| PowerD: Updated mcc_toolbar and mcc_htmltext archives | 0 | |
| Amiga Flame: 6th anniversary, Go For Goal, Space-Flight simulation | 0 | |
| HTML: HSC macros V1.53 | 0 | |
| Magazine: The Crypt #26 | 0 | |
| Amiga.sf: UnRAR V3.10 beta, autotrace V0.30 a. o. | 0 | |
| Handy: Amiga theme for the Sony/Ericsson T68i mobile phone | 0 | |
| Chess: AmiChess and Crafty | 0 | |
| individual Computers: Catweasel MK3 PCI/Flipper and PCI POST code display | 0 | |
| Hardware: Ariadne 2 - purpose of the three I/O connectors | 0 | |
| Web catalogue: AmigaSource with 1001 links | 0 | |
| Kultpower: Starkiller #8 plus 71 new Mega-Fun covers | 0 | |
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| Saturday, 26. Oct. 2002 | |
| Boing Attitude: Crossword Evolution preview | 0 | |
| Amiga Interactive Guide: Walker concept designs | 0 | |
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| Friday, 25. Oct. 2002 | |
| Magazine: CD³² Outside #5 published | 0 | |
| Event: WOASE - You are not going to believe this! | 0 | |
| Amiga Future: Workbench screenshots wanted | 0 | |
| Amiga Arena: Interview with Telemar Rosenberger (AMHuhn) | 0 | |
| Antivirus-programm: New PatchBrain V1.45 for VirusExecutor | 0 | |
| WarpSCUMM V0.2.0 for WarpOS and 68k published | 0 | |
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| Thursday, 24. Oct. 2002 | |
| Event: Amiga + Retro Computing 2002 - Website now also in English | 0 | |
| Game: PuzzleBOBS - MorphOS-compatible | 0 | |
| DTP: PageStream Survey | 0 | |
| Meeting: With the Hack Train to the 19th Chaos Communication Congress | 0 | |
| Amiga Games Classifying: New Game Survey | 0 | |
| Game and Tool: Worm Wars V7.21a and Report+ V5.63 | 0 | |
| ADA: Update of the 20th of October, 2002 | 0 | |
| Video player: New MPEG Video Decoder Plugin for Frogger | 0 | |
| Game: Amiga Version of Payback Becomes a Better Value | 0 | |
| Compatibility List for USB Card Thylacine Renovated | 0 | |
| Gathering: Photos from Amigafest 2002 (Dayton, Ohio) | 1 | 28. Oct. 01:57 |
| |
| Wednesday, 23. Oct. 2002 | |
| Airsoft Softwair Homepage with new design | 0 | |
| SUBWAY production started | 0 | |
| Dave Haynie: DVD of the video "The Deathbed Vigil" in preparation | 0 | |
| NetBSD 1.6 published in September 2002 already | 0 | |
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| Tuesday, 22. Oct. 2002 | |
| Data Base: MySql 4.0.4 für 68040 | 0 | |
| Pictures from Amiga Mini Show in Slovenia | 0 | |
| Issue #11 of "Jurassic Pack" released! | 0 | |
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