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Aminet: uploads till March 28th, 2005
Here are the new Aminet uploads since our last news item:
PPaint71_Port.lha     biz/cloan   9K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Personal Pa
DOpus5661_Port.lha    biz/dopus   33K   Portuguese Catalogs and buttons for Direc
OpusMPEGAPort.lha     biz/dopus   5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for OpusMPEGA v
etb.lha               biz/misc    81K   Extended Trial Balance
showtip.lha           biz/patch   7K    OS4 ShowTip for SoundFX (SFX)
YAM135_Port.lha       comm/mail   9K    Portuguese locale Catalog for YAM v1.3.5
AmiTCP_PacketFix.lha  comm/tcp    13K   AmiTCP/Genesis packet fragmentation fix p
Miami_Port.lha        comm/tcp    36K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for Miami v3.2
AWeb_Port.lha         comm/www    13K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for AWeb v3.4
IBrowse_Port.lha      comm/www    19K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for IBrowse v2
guigfxlib.lha         dev/misc    235K  Application layer for pixel graphics
renderlib.lha         dev/misc    197K  Image processing kernel
TransCat_Port.lha     dev/misc    4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for TransCat v1
ACDPlay16_Port.lha    disk/cdrom  4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for ACDPlay v1.
GPlayer_Port.lha      disk/cdrom  3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for GroovyPlaye
MUICD_Port.lha        disk/cdrom  6K    Portuguese Catalogs for MUI CD Player v1.
Z100_Port.lha         disk/misc   4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Z100 v1.5
Pig.lha               game/jump   582K  Jump around with a pig. SDL example port.
BTCE.lha              game/misc   86K   Bard's Tale 1/2 Character Editor
lpairs.lha            game/think  625K  A nice memory-game for OS4, with sources
ltris.lha             game/think  1.1M  A beautiful Tetris-clone for OS4, with so
Quadromania.lha       game/think  297K  Nice SDL based board game from ASM softwa
DIYprep.lha           gfx/ifx     4K    Prepare picture for use with DIYreko
DIYrekoIII.lha        gfx/ifx     52K   Create REKO, Soliton and AS-... cardsets
Collector_Port.lha    gfx/misc    15K   Portuguese locale Catalog for Collector 3
APDF_Port.lha         gfx/show    5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for APDF v2.2+
Visage_Port.lha       gfx/show    4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Visage v39.
Frodo_Port.lha        misc/emu    3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Frodo v2.4+
MagiC64_Port.lha      misc/emu    5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for MagiC64 v1.
Nostalgia.lha         misc/emu    341K  THE Multi-Emulation system (2.3)
AC97mixer21.lha       mus/misc    27K   Sound card control program
Pegase_Port.lha       mus/misc    3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Pegase v1.4
AMPlifier_Port.lha    mus/play    3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for AMPlifier v
SongPlayer_Por.lha    mus/play    5K    Portuguese locale Catalog for SongPlayer
ac-bootpic.lha        pix/boot    62K   Animated boot picture
ZIP100-250_GI.lha     pix/gicon   145K  By Raul Silva, the Best GlowIcons for Iom
ZIP100-250_NI.lha     pix/icon    173K  By Raul Silva, the Best NewIcons for Iome
Wordworth_Port.lha    text/edit   13K   Portuguese locale Catalogs for Wordworth
Sherman_Port.lha      util/blank  4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Sherman Bla
ToolsDaemonPor.lha    util/boot   4K    Portuguese locale Catalog for ToolsDaemon
MCP132_Port.lha       util/cdity  9K    Portuguese Catalog for MCP v1.32 Beta 12
wave_dt.lha           util/dtype  129K  An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with so
BoardsLib_Port.lha    util/libs   3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Boards.Libr
ReportPlus.lha        util/misc   315K  Report+ 6.17: Multipurpose utility
limpidclock.lha       util/wb     79K   Transparent clock / calendar
MrIcon_Port.lha       util/wb     2K    Portuguese locale Catalog for MrIcon v1.6
Picticon_Port.lha     util/wb     3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for Picticon v1
SGrab18_Port.lha      util/wb     3K    Portuguese locale Catalog for SGrab v1.8+
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2005, 22:14] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

playOGG: update to version 1.7
The program playOGG by Lorence Lombardo is meant for playback of audio files in (among others) the OGG Vorbis, MP3, RA and SID format. It can be run from the Workbench or via the CLI.

Download: playOGG.lha (471 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2005, 15:51] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

Emulator: VisualBoyAdvance 1.7.2 (AmigaOS 4/MorphOS) (update)
Nicolas Mendoza ported version 1.7.2 of the Gameboy emulator VisualBoyAdvance to AmigaOS4. The MorphOS version is done by Christian "Tokai" Rosentreter. Under MorphOS is the powersdl.library additionally needed.

VisualBoyAdvance-1.7.2-ppc-amigaos-bin.lha (1.4 MB)
VisualBoyAdvance-1.7.2-ppc-amigaos-src.lha (3.9 MB)
visualboyadvance-1.7.2-morphos.lha (460 KB)

Update: (26.03.2005, 15:20, cg)

MorphOS version by Christian Rosentreter added. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2005, 08:21] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasos forum (website)

Meridian 2.14 released
The commodity Meridian by Guido Mersmann is available in version 2.14 for AmigaOS 3.0 and MorphOS 1.4.2. The program creates virtual hotkeys by analizing symbols "drawn" with the mouse and then carrying out the according actions.

Download: meridian.lha (352 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2005, 08:13] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Wesseling

Retrogaming Radio: interview with Michele C. Battilana
The English Retrogaming Radio is doing an interview with Michele C. Battilana (Cloanto) about the emulator CD Amiga Forever 6 in their actual 2.5h broadcast. You can winthree copies of AF6.

Download: rgr0305.mp3 (37 MB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2005, 08:03] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

Status report: "Die Kleine Gilde II" & SN-archives
Since the last version of the realtime strategy simulation called "Die Kleine Gilde II" there have been some changes.

For details please have a look at the developer-diary. The new version of Die Kleine Gilde II is in beta test and will be published in one or two weeks. If you have suggestions, bug reports, registrations or simply some feedback you can contact this special e-mail-address.

News from the SN-archives:

Since November the account management called "SN-KontoArchiv II" is in development. The input of account data has already finished. Currently the input and output statistics are added. SN-KontoArchiv II is the successor of SN-KontoArchiv I and ist not compatible to the previous version because all source code of this version has vanished. SN-KontoArchiv will be part of "SN-Archiv-Paket". Those ones who have already registered can also use SN-KontoArchiv II without any restrictions

Status of SN-EuroArchiv II:

SN-EuroArchiv 1.9 is also in work. The entry list can be now adapted with up to 17 columns. The HTML-support for KMS and special coins was also improved. Now it is possible to determine the colour of special coins in KMS (KMS-HTML-site) or to determine the special coin from the KMS (special coin-HTML-site).

Just like above: Send suggestions, bug reports, registrations or other feedback to this e-mail-address. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2005, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts (e-mail)

TCP-Stack: Bugfix for AmiTCP/Genesis
For a longer time AmiTCP-/Genesis-users reported problems when AmiSSL was used. Now it is clear that the BSD-code is buggy on which AmiTCP/Genesis is based.

Oliver Roberts (IBrowse, AmiSSL) now provides an unofficial patch for the mentioned TCP-stacks under the title link. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2005, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

Download-Manager: Wallget 1.0
"Wallget" is a download manager for MorphOS and AmigaOS 3 which is based on WGet. Changes in version 1.0:
  • fixed http auth code
  • fixed losing urls from list
  • added non real-time updating download list (now list could be updated in real-time or once on 0.1, 0.2, ... , 2s - speed up program on slow configs, or during massive downloads)
  • added speed-o-meter
  • added locale support.
  • custom join and copy functions
  • fixed lots of bugs in segmented download (should be stable now)
  • fixed not deleting profiles for disk
  • added option for copying profiles
  • replaced custom toolbar function with TheBar.mcc
  • urls in lister longer than 50 chars are now optionaly cutted to 50 chars
  • thousand and dec sperators are now taken from locale
  • fixed bugs in creating files during recurisve download
  • added option to hide file name, download info, donwload gauge and speed-o-meter fields
  • looots of other bugfixes

Download: WallGet-m68k-1.0.lha (490 KB)
Download: WallGet-MOS-1.0.lha (730 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2005, 15:05] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Gutmann (ANF)

Database: MUIbase V1.9
Today version 1.9 of the Amiga-database MUIbase was published. News and improvements in this version:
  • Improvements for TRIMSTR and REPLACESTR
  • New start functions when double clicking in virtual lists
  • Internal optimations which speeds up Lisp-code
  • Better support for Amiga OS4
  • Option for external program sources

Besides this there is now a MUIbase "light" version which does not have all the functions of MUIbase. Structure editor, program editor and ARexx-port are missing. MUIbase light can be freely copied and is available for i386 Linux and Windows. A GTK V2.4 installation is required. In future MUIbase light will be completed to a full version.

For discussions and feedback concerning MUIbase there is a mailing list. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2005, 14:46] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasosforum (website)

MorphOS: SDL-games Pig and Quadromania ported
Ilkka Lehtoranta has published the SDL-games Pig and Quadromania V0.2 for MorphOS.

Quadromania (screenshot) is a mind game written by Matthias Arndt (ASM-Software) where you have to change all game figures of the board to the same colour.

Pig is a simple platform game and is above all an example for programming sprites and partial display-update-technics.

Pig.lha (583 KB)
Quadromania.lha (298 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2005, 07:06] [Comments: 0]
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Rupert Hausberger (ANF)

MorphOS: CanonToolBox update to v0.91 / GPL release
Due licencing of libptp, Rupert Hausberger has released CanonToolBox v0.91, a MorphOS program for PTP-compatible digital cameras from Canon, under GPL (screenshot). According to the author, this does not mean that the developement would have stopped.

  • fixed usb-setup routine
  • updated to latest libptp 1.0.2
  • project goes GPL
CanonToolBox_0.91.lha (155 KB)
CanonToolBox_source_0.91.lha (231 KB) (snx)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2005, 06:40] [Comments: 0]
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24.Mar.2005 (website)

AmigaOS 4: Movie-Player "Mplayer" Preview 4 (Update)
Under the title-link you'll find a new beta version of OS 4 port of Mplayer (screenshot). The most important changes in comparison to the last release:
  • Speed raised about 25-30 %
  • New video and audio drivers (vo sdl, ao sdl, vo jpg, vo png). Full-screen display is possible without any problems using the SDL drivers (change to it from window mode and back with "f"). Because of missing hardware support the full-screen mode is still relatively slow. The JPEG and PNG drivers convert a video to a series of single pictures
  • Streaming video/audio is supported (untested)
  • Support for "playlists"
  • Support for more codecs

Known problems:
  • The SDL drivers fails to start when there is no corresponding resolution available
[this part of long article not translated -DM]

Update: (25 MAR 05, 14:45, cg) The LHA archive on the homepage is apparently corrupt. As an alternative you can find the data at (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2005, 23:42] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Wolf (ANF)

Tales of Tamar: New Amiga Version 0.53-R2
Beloved Amiga Community, the time has finally come that we release a new Amiga version. Only now, finally, has it become ready, and we're now going to demonstrate our unbroken Amiga loyalty.

Perhaps we can also tempt you to participate in this unique roleplaying game. With the action of the "Great War of Anarrow" we gives you the possibility of participating in this game and its special community. It is of no import to us which computers you use. It's all the same whether you choose Pegasos, AmigaOne, UAE, Amithlon, Classic Amiga, PC or Mac. They all have the possibility of participating at least in the shareware version. Become acquainted with nice humans and to increase your circle of friends.

Further, we'd like to notify you that Amiga dealers already offer Tales of Tamar at reasonable prices. It's been available on eBay for about a year for 9.90 euros (approx. 14 dollars -DM) and at Vesalia the remaining stock is 39.90 euros (approx 65 dollars -DM). As soon as this remaining stock is gone however, the price will rise.

[long, long list of new features and much other article text not translated -DM]

We wish you a lot of fun with the new version, and remind you to first make a backup, before you install the new version, you never know what could happen!

-Your ToT team

Download: ToT_Amiga_V0.53_R2.lha (15 MB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2005, 20:59] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Developer Utility ChocolateCastle Released
With ChocolateCastle V0.1 Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski has released a tool that helps programmers to assemble BOOPSI and MUI classes (screenshot).

ChocolateCastle provides systems for such classes on the basis of the developer's defaults. You can indicate the name of the class, the superclass, the generating method (including the respective dispatcher entry) and the message structure that is used. The program produces compiler-ready source code as framework for the programmer to further fill out.

Extension of ChocolateCastle's functionality is planned for future versions by the incorporation of shared LIBRARIES, external Boopsi and MUI classes, as well as complete MUI applications further in the future. Comments, suggestions, feature requests and bug reports are welcomed by the author.

Download: chocolatecastle-0.1-mos.lha (64 KB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2005, 18:13] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

Update of xml2.library to Version 4.0
Newly-available Version 4.0 of xml2.library allows the reading, processing, and writing of XML and HTML data.

The DTD support contains the analysis and validation of even complex DTDs, either during the parser entry or later after the modification of the document. The output is achieved in a simple SAX stream or a DOM-resembling representation in memory. In the latter case the built-in XPath and XPointer implementations are used in order to select subnodes or ranges. A flexible input/output mechanism is available with existing HTTP and FTP modules combined in a URI library.

[rest of technical article not translated -DM]

Download: xml2.library-4.0.lha (3 MB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2005, 08:30] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (website)

MorphOS: First screenshot of the Nemesis desktop
Marian 'MaaG' Guc has put a first screenshot of his MorphOS desktop Nemesis (formerly known as project "Athene") to his website. The first working version of this Ambient replacement is available only to the core developers, in a later development phase it will be available to the public. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2005, 16:47] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGAplus 03/2005 (#156) - ARIANA & Larry
AMIGAplus 03/2005 (#156) is out now including the following reports:
  • exclusive ARIANA hardware preview
  • interview with AHT Europe
  • interview with Al Lowe (Leisure Suit Larry)
  • AMIGAplus CD #32 including fxPAINT 1 and Foundation DC
  • hardfiles in UAE (workshop)
  • Horny 1.0 review
  • Ultra ATA IDE Controller for A1 reviewed
  • Competition Pro USB (review)
  • Commodore 64 Direct-to-TV (C64 DTV) (review)
  • emulator-hardware XPC Barebone vs. Mac mini in competition
  • CDonFire and 6 more shareware titles tested
  • XML on Amiga part 3
  • ReAction developing under OS4 part 3
  • SDL-games for OS4
  • spotlighted
  • Diskmag-Scene 2005 report
  • Amiga-news (Amiga, PPC, Linux, Open System, games)
  • Amiga Status Report
  • and much more.
AMIGAplus can be ordered at (title link). (nba)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2005, 14:59] [Comments: 0]
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23.Mar.2005 (website)

Mounting guidelines for the Micro-A1 (English)
At the title link Lyle Hazelwood provides an English mounting guideline for the Micro-A1 board including some figure schemes and connectors pin distributions. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2005, 11:15] [Comments: 0]
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Vinnny (ANF)

Emulator: Update of ZX-Live to version 0.30
The Sinclair ZX-Spectrum 48/128K and Pentagon 128K emulator ZX-Live by Dmitriy Zhivilov has been updated to version 0.30.

  • Rewritten sound routines: now the emulator is running at the correct speed (68060 CPU with fast RAM)
  • Fixed .Z80 loader: before, uncompressed blocks having a length of #FFFF have been unpacked incorrectly
  • Some bugfixes regarding the emulation of ZX-Spectrum 128k timings
  • Added loading .SLT files as .Z80 files (no full support of SLT format)
  • Added support for AY-chips in hardware (thanks to Lord Vader for consultation and betatest); the scheme for attaching a real AY chip to the Amiga can be found on Aminet in the archive mhm-mAYhem.lha
ZXLive030.lha (97 KB)
mhm-mAYhem.lha (148 KB) (snx)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2005, 18:04] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet: uploads till March 20th, 2005
Here are the new Aminet uploads since our last posting:
showtip.lha                 biz/patch   26K   OS4 ShowTip for SoundFX (SFX)
wookiechat.lha              comm/irc    423K  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
rayrace.lha                 demo/file   66K   Realtime Raytracing Engine demo for OS4
robodoc_mos.lha             dev/misc    55K   Autodocs processor (txt/guide/html/latex/
Amiga-Mania.lha             docs/anno   3K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
AmigaChannel.lha            docs/anno   3K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
AmigaWorld.lha              docs/anno   3K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
RealAmigaWorld.txt          docs/anno   8K    Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel in NaN
AMIthlon_CD.lha             docs/help   180K  How to make an updated bootable AMIthlon
AmigaPower.lha              docs/hyper  61K   AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine (12 Mar
lbreakout2_mos.lha          game/actio  2.8M  LBreakout2 is a free Breakout clone
DC2Lvl-EMine7.lha           game/data   394K  81 levels for Diamond Caves II
amines.lha                  game/misc   349K  NES Emulator
BTCE.lha                    game/misc   91K   Bard's Tale 1/2 Character Editor
smsplus.lha                 game/misc   391K  Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator
tgemu.lha                   game/misc   350K  TGEmu / NEC PC-16 emulator
warpsnes.lha                game/misc   1.6M  Nintendo SNES Emulator (WarpSNES)
gse.lha                     game/patch  17K   Editor for Gunship2000 roster files
lpairs-1.0.lha              game/think  625K  A nice memory-game for OS4, with sources
ltris.lha                   game/think  1.1M  A beautiful Tetris-clone for OS4, with so
ofour.lha                   gfx/misc    1.1M  OS 4 styled skin for Morph OS
Sv5-1.lha                   gfx/misc    638K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 1
Sv5-2.lha                   gfx/misc    157K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 2
Sv5-3a.lha                  gfx/misc    127K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 3
Sv5-3b.lha                  gfx/misc    332K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 3
Sv5-4.lha                   gfx/misc    38K   SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 4
Sv5-5.lha                   gfx/misc    147K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 5
Sv5-6.lha                   gfx/misc    579K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 6
Sv5-7.lha                   gfx/misc    158K  SView5 V1.60 (13.3.2005) 68k/MOS - Part 7
xmamegui.lha                misc/emu    160K  GUI for the OS4 xMAME port v0.12
defraq-shadow.mpg           mods/mpg    1.0M  Mp3 by defraq
my_sfx_toolbar.lha          mus/edit    27K   An arexx-toolbar for SoundFX. Needs AWN-P
TheX0XPackage.lha           mus/edit    44K   A set of editors for the TR-X0X & TB303
AC97mixer21.lha             mus/misc    27K   Sound card control program
freedb_copytracks.lha       mus/misc    10K   ARexx script for FreeDB to create MP3 tra
simpleplay.lha              mus/play    501K  Music player - OGG, WAV, VOC, MOD, S3M, I
sorcier-glouton.jpg         pix/illu    66K   Drawing picture of a sorcier glouton (gre
AP30Covers.lha              pix/misc    348K  AMiGa=PoWeR n°30 Covers Recto & Verso
APLKonwerter.lha            text/misc   8K    Convert files: AmigaPL<->Windows (RxMUI)
bzip2_1.0.3.lha             util/arc    487K  Bzip2
Tree178.lha                 util/cli    20K   Lists Directory content tree-like
MathLibs881.lha             util/libs   56K   IEEE-libs best for WinUAE +src +bonus r8
ttengine.lha                util/libs   591K  TrueType text rendering engine (v 7.0)
idle1_6.lha                 util/moni   15K   A (working) A68K cpu monitor
qdirgzip.lha                util/pack   30K   Gzips files as separate entities in given
wet.lha                     util/wb     314K  Show weather conditions on Workbench (OS4
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2005, 21:26] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Perver (ANF)

EvenMore: Textviewer now with datatype support
A new Datatypes plugin is available, allowing EvenMore to load any text document supported by datatypes (e.g. via DocDatatypes, etc). The executable and Generic plugin have been modified to allow this Datatype plugin to work.

EvenMore plugins take precedence over the Datatypes. If you have a document that you prefer opened via a datatype rather than through an EvenMore plugin, simply delete the EvenMore plugin (not forgetting to flush the memory), and reload the file.

I have also fixed a major problem with the language catalogs. Unfortunately I had deleted some unused strings in the executable, and this meant some strings appeared in the wrong place. Make sure you download the new executable and the EasyGUI Prefs plugin to fix this. Thanks!

The new versions of EvenMore and its extensions can be downloaded under the title link in the Download and the Plugins area, respectively. (snx)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2005, 09:13] [Comments: 0]
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