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ANN (website)

Amiga Java: status report about JAmiga project
Under the title link you can find a short status report about the Java implementation "Jamiga". Version 0.0.5 will soon be available, interested developers can already download the "daily snapshots" and compile these.

The source codes are prepared for being compiled under AmigaOS 3 and MorphOS. Whether this can be done under AmigaOS 4 is unknown, the developers ask for feedback about this.

The new version implements now for the first time the "JNI" interface. This makes it for external developers possible to create Java native libraries that are built like the shared libraries known from the AmigaOS. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2005, 14:03] [Comments: 0]
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19.Mar.2005 (website)

AmigaDE: integrated development environment "Adept"
The AmigaDE developers from Omniscience offer on their website an IDE (integrated development environment) basing on Eclipse called Adept. An installation of Eclipse 2.1.x as well as the Java JDK 1.4.1 are required. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2005, 13:50] [Comments: 0]
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18.Mar.2005 (website)

AmigaOS4: LPairs ported / Update of LTris
Edgar Schwan has ported the memory game LPairs (screenshot) in version 1.0 for AmigaOS4 and has fixed some bugs of the Tetris-clone LTris 1.0.9 (screenshot).

ltris.lha (1 MB)
lpairs.lha (625 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Mar. 2005, 18:19] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. (website)

KMOS is now Amiga Inc. / Internet website updated
On March 16th, the company KMOS from New York has renamed itself to Amiga Incorporated. The website has been completely changed with the focus on AmigaAnywhere. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Mar. 2005, 11:32] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Software-News

assign 50.3

With the help of the Unofficial MorphOS Update Project version 50.3 of the assign command has been published. The basis for the software of this project is AROS.

Download: assign50.3.lha (17 KB)

anaLOGuer 0.9

anaLOGuer is a little program which filters useful information from the Debug-Logs of MorphOS and then it colourful marks (screenshot). As source Ramdebug, the serial record and log-files are recognized. You need the file PowerTerm.mcc from the MUICON-archive.

analoguer.lha (20 KB)
muicon.lha (291 KB)

aexpat.library 3.0

The aexpat.library which is published by Alfonso Ranieri is a XML-Parser-library, written in C. The archive also contains a 68k-version.

Download: expat.lha (253 KB)

JanoEditor 1.01d
The text editor JanoEditor which is published under the GPL and was written by Cyrille Guillaume and Thierry Pierron was compiled by Nicolas Sallin for MorphOS.

Download: JanoEditor.lha (344 KB)

Noiz2sa 0.51

Noiz2sa is an abstract Shoot'em-up-game by Kenta Cho which was ported by Nicolas Sallin for MorphOS (screenshot).

Download: noiz2sa.lha (8.6 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Mar. 2005, 08:45] [Comments: 0]
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AMOS games: Textris v6 and Insane
Two new games which have been written with AMOS have been published:

"Insane" is a classic platform game inspired by an old Atari game ("Cannibals") (screenshots: 1, 2).

The Tetris-Clone Textris v6 was written by Andrew Rodgers and requires at least 1.5 MB CHIP- and 1 MB FAST-RAM (screenshots: 1, 2, 3).

Both games are available as bootable ADF-diskimages.

Insane: Insane.rar (416 KB)
Textris: (732 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Mar. 2005, 00:17] [Comments: 0]
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17.Mar.2005 (website)

CD-/DVD Writing: Frying Pan 0.4b
Tomasz Wiszkowski has released version 0.4b of his CD and DVD burning program "Frying Pan." In the latest release a few bugs have been ironed out, the speed of the program has sharply increased, and from here on many new DVD drives are supported.

Frying Pan needs MUI including the NList, NListview and NListtree.mcc classes, as well as AHI. Under the title-link you'll find the latest list of supported drives.

Download: TFP.lzx (670 KB) (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2005, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website) PowerPC/MorphOS Now in the Top 10 of RC5-72 Charts
In the RC5-72 charts at MorphOS has overtaken the PowerPC/AIX participants to reach tenth place overall. The next possible candidate to overtake are x86/OS/2 and x86/Solaris in 18 to 145 days. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2005, 16:24] [Comments: 0]
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16.Mar.2005 (website)

Text viewer: New version of EvenMore
A new version of the text viewer EvenMore is available now, information about the changes is to get from the history.

Download: EvenMore.lha (549 KB) (Readme) (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Mar. 2005, 22:13] [Comments: 0]
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Vinnny (ANF)

MorphOS: bzip2 1.0.3
"Amis" has ported Bzip2 to MorphOS.

Download: bzip2_1.0.3_mos.lha (351 KB) (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Mar. 2005, 16:48] [Comments: 0]
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IOSPIRIT: Spring promotion with free drivers
Even before the calendaric beginning of spring, spring has arrived in Germany and at IOSPIRIT. "Time to polish our offers.", we thought. No sooner said than done:

We keep our low special prices of only 9.99 EUR per title until the 31st of March - and add even more to it: as a free extra, fxSCAN and VHI Studio now come with full versions 1 of our drivers. For fxSCAN that is the IOUSB Scanner Package and for VHI Studio that's the IOUSB DigiCam Package and the VHI RS232 Pack 2.

Take advantage of this truely low-priced opportunity and give the gift of software made with love to your computer ;-)
  1. free extra - thus without support, functional guarantee or warranty of any kind. You find the serials of the drivers on the invoice that you are being sent via e-mail as PDF.
  2. the VHI RS232 pack does not contain Olympus drivers. These are no longer available.
(cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Mar. 2005, 16:26] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

individual Computers: New software

Catweasel MK4 with Linux drivers

Michael Krause has adapted his cwfloppy driver for Linux to the Catweasel MK4. The new driver is only available for Kernel version 2.6, and can currently only read disks. Get more information on the author's homepage.

MMC64 plugins available

The flashcard-based mass storage device for the C64 computer supports a plugin system that handles unknown filetypes with external programs. The first plugins support the seven picture formats Koala, Doodle, Advanced Art Studio, Interpaint, Hi-Eddi, Art Studio and Paint Magic.

Download: (5 KByte)

Further, there's a player for a format that's already supported by another mass storage unit for the C64:

PAL version:: (2 KByte)
NTSC version: (2 KByte)

The BIOS of MMC64 has been improved a lot after the first bug reports. The new version 0.96 can be flashed by the user by simply placing the file in the SYSTEM64 directory of a flashcard. Should anything go wrong while flashing the unit with the browser, the same tool is available on a recovery disk.

BIOS: (7 KByte)
Recovery disk: (8 KByte)

Detailed documentation of MMC64 is now available in the support area of the website of individual Computers. Programmers can find information about the MMC64 registers, and a few code examples of how to read and write data from and to the flashcard in their own programs. A commented source code for a plugin will follow in a few days. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 16. Mar. 2005, 00:02] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

MorphOS: Ambient team releases FAQ
The Ambient team that took over the further development of the MorphOS desktop "Ambient" gives answers to some frequently asked questions under the title link. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2005, 22:38] [Comments: 0]
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Martin (DaFreak) Rebentisch (ANF)

Music: Liquid Skies records #084
The scene group Liquid Skies released yesterday their 84th music pack. This time it contains a music piece called "Jupiter" in the Trance style. The cover was created by Angeldust. Further information about the track:
  • Title: Jupiter
  • Artist: Maxus
  • Style: Trance
  • Length: 5:52
  • Format: mp3 (128 kbps)

The zipped file with a size of roundabout 5.4 MB is available for free download under the title link. Thanks to the new web space is the download speed much better than before. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2005, 22:34] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: software news until 2005-12-03

MorphOS skin: Ofour (update)

Oliver "Bladerunner" Hummel released an update to the AmigaOS 4 inspired MorphOS skin "Ofour" (sreenshot).

Link: download page.

LiveMixer 1.4 (beta)

"LiveMixer" by Vladimir Javorski is an audio mixer for SBlive! sound cards. The mixer uses the AC97 interface of the AHI driver "EMU10k".

Changes in this version:
  • Added 3D Stereo settings
  • Fixed iconify bug at startup
  • Added 6 channels support
  • Debug information moved from "CON:" to "SER:"
  • All rates now changeable
  • Added additional info about sound card
  • Added scales to sliders
  • Added headphones support with auto disable if SBLIVE! doesn't have it

Link: homepage
Download: livemixer-1.4b.lha (95 KB) (readme)

Binutils 2.13.1

This is an incomplete port of the GNU Binutils to MorphOS. Due to a lack of time will the author probably not continue to work on this project.

Link: homepage
Download: binutils-2.13.1-5.tar.bz2 (2.8 MB) (readme)

MorphOS wallpaper

Christian "Tokai" Rosentreter released a new wallpaper for MorphOS users.

Link: homepage (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2005, 20:18] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss (ANF)

Midi sequencer: Horny 1.01 (AmigaOS 3/4)
Horny is a midi sequencer in the style of e.g. "Logic®" or "Cubase®", whose focus is on easy and uncomplicated usage. Up to now Horny is a pure midi program and does not support audio. The latest version contains a few bugfixes as well as some small improvements. From now on, an OS4 native build is available as well.

Changes since the last release:
  • OS3 and new OS4 native version
  • No special full version anymore, just enhance lite version with a keyfile
  • Enhanced OS4 look
  • Bugfix: GUI of Piano/Controller Editor crashed on OS4
  • Bugfix: timer variable overflow (crashed on OS4)
  • Compressor GUI refreshes graphic while setting parameters
  • SMPTE settings: time gadgets support tab cycling
  • Midi thru functionality has its own process
  • SMF export includes mixer volume/pan and provisional program changes
  • Environment setting for Amiga/PC-keyboard (transport functions)
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2005, 19:33] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Langner (e-mail)

MUI: several source codes secured
Jens Langner announces that his call to support the saving of the data from Allan Odgaard's broken hard-disk ( reported), led to a success. All data could be secured so that active development of products like "TextEditor.mcc", "BetterString.mcc", "HTMLview.mcc" or "IProbe" can now continue.

Under the title link has Langner summarized the events and explains in short the licences he wants to use to distribute the named titles in the future. He thanks especially all those who have supported him and shows his deep impression regarding the extent of the support he received. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2005, 16:42] [Comments: 0]
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11.Mar.2005 (website)

Software-News until 11.03.2005

ImageMagick 6.2.0

ImageMagick is a collection of tools and libraries for reading, writing and converting graphics. Currently more than 87 formats are supported such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD and GIF.

Link: Homepage

PNGCrush v1.5.10 (revision 2)

PNGCrush optimizes PNG-pictures. The new version was compiled with the newest libraries and mainly fastened. On a 68060 PNGCrush runs more than 20 % faster.

Link: Homepage

UnRAR 3.40, hotwayd 0.8.2

UnRAR extracts RAR-archives, hotwayd enables the use of POP-/SMTP-mail programs with providers which originally only offers a web interface.

Link: Homepage

Report+ 6.17

The freeware Report+ has been published in version 6.16a. The tool is based on ReAction/GadTools, requires AmigaOS 3.9 and offers ten different functions: For instance you can create Aminet readmes with Report+, you can replace the Commodore Bug Reporting Tool or you can display the byte-amount for each directory. In the newest version the "Aminet Readme Editor" supports now the new "Architecture:"-array.

Download: ReportPlus.lha (315 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2005, 22:18] [Comments: 0]
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ThorstenS. (ANF)

CD32-Allianz: Current state of registrations
For some time you can register your CD32, CDTV or FMV-Modul on the CD32-Allianz homepage. We want to tell you the current state of registrations:

AmigaCD32: 337
CommodoreCDTV: 27
FMV-Modul: 17

Most of the devices are still in use. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2005, 21:44] [Comments: 0]
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11.Mar.2005 (website)

MorphOS: New Ambient-version, Ambient-Skin Blue Ninja II

Ambient CVS-Version 11-03-2005

Lukas "Luky" Stehlik has compiled the current sources of the Ambient-project from Changes in this version (amongst others):
  • doesn't apear in window after window snapshot (kiero)
  • Snapshotting window should result in same window being opened next time (kiero) ... drive windows still after restart
  • Changed handling of string/clickpath. In default mode only clickpath is visible. After pressing "/" it's replaced by string. Tab cancels string edition. (kiero)
  • Fixed bug caused to cut statusbar text area to the half of window (scf)

Download: ambientcvs_luky.lha (470 KB)

MorphOS-Skin: Blue Space Ninja II

Tristan 'TriMa' Mangold has published a new version of his MorphOS-skin "Blue Space Ninja" (screenshot). Please use this skin like a completely new publishing, do not overwrite an existing previous installation.

  • Changed all background graphics (Window/SBar/Menu) to normal color (SkinConfig)
  • Rebuilt all SysIClass-graphics (Close/Depth/MUI/etc...) up to 4 sizes (higher resolution/bigger fonts)
  • changed whole Skinconfig (Size/Menu/Window/Propgadget/etc...)
  • rebuilt MUI Icons

Link: Download site (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2005, 21:43] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

OpenPCI: Drivers for Terratec 512i/FM801, RTL8139
Benjamin Vernoux has published a new MorphOS-native driver for Terratec 512i/FM801 sound cards for his PCI-driver system OpenPCI. Besides this there is a new version for the network interface cards based on RTL8139 for AmigaOS 3 and MorphOS.

Changes of the RTL8139-driver:
  • Manage SERR/LENCHG/TIMEOUT/ISR_PUN, fixes the RTL8139 bug that stopped transfers (downloading/uploading) and problems when cable is disconnected or network speed changed
  • Added delay after init
  • Added more delay after RTL8139 reset
  • Changed all Forbid/Permit by Disable/Enable
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2005, 19:59] [Comments: 0]
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11.Mar.2005 (website)

MorphOS: Documentation for creating a bootable CD
Jürgen Lucas has written a documenation for creating a bootable MorphOS-CD. If you are interested in translating this from German into other languages then please contact the author. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2005, 19:59] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

AmigaOS 4: Diverse console-emulators
Per Johansson has published new versions of the console-emulators amiNES and WarpSNES for AmigaOS 4. Besides this there is a first beta version of TGEmu and SMSPlus.

amiNES 0.65 (Nintendo Entertainment System)
  • GUI slightly modified
  • Added support for keybindings
  • Added support for xadmaster.library (i.e. support for zipped and gzipped files)
  • Added support for gamestates, load and save gamestate instantly

Link: Download site

WarpSNES 1.42 (Nintendo SNES)
  • GUI slightly modified
  • Added support for keybindings
  • Added support for xadmaster.library (i.e. support for zipped and gzipped files)
  • Snapshots bugfixed (gamestates)
  • Sound added
  • Saves battery backuped data correctly

Link: Download site

SMSPlus 1.2 (Sega Master System / Game Gear)

This emulator is described as "work in progress" by the author. Features:
  • GUI
  • Support for keybindings
  • Support for xadmaster.library (i.e. support for zipped and gzipped files)
  • Sound added (although not perfect yet)
  • Some random bugs :-D

Link: Download site

TGEmu 0.1 (NEC PC-16)

This emulator is described as "work in progress" by the author. Features:
  • GUI
  • Support for keybindings
  • Support for xadmaster.library (i.e. support for zipped and gzipped files)
  • Sound added (although not perfect yet)
  • A lot of random bugs :-D

Link: Download site (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2005, 14:47] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

MorphOS: "Unmask" Cleans Up the Workbench
The "Unmask" commodity offeres various global hotkeys, with which you can iconify all windows, all windows except for the active one, or all windows except for the active and its "siblings." With a further hotkey press all windows will be restored.

Download: unmask.lha (19 KB) (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2005, 23:57] [Comments: 0]
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10.Mar.2005 (website)

AmigaOS 4: Support Announced for SATA Controller
In the meantime, a driver for Silicon Image 3114 cards has reached beta status and will soon be provided to OS4 beta testers. The Silicon Image 3114 is a PCI-based "serial ATA" controller with 4 ports.

Stéphane Guillard developed the driver, and the corresponding hardware was made available by the Italian dealer Soft3. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2005, 02:55] [Comments: 0]
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