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Aminet-Uploads until 09.07.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
coreutils-bin.lha   dev/gg      4.3M  OS4  GNU core utilities
coreutils-src.lha   dev/gg      7.6M  GEN  GNU core utilities (source)
check4gb.lha        disk/misc    19K  OS3  Check if your HD setup is 4GB-ready
LHA_HD_Install.lha  disk/misc   115K  GEN  HardDisk install system for 1.x 2.x 3.x+
Q3iconpack.lha      game/misc    32K  GEN  icon pack for Q3
scummvm-0.9.0.lha   game/misc   2.6M  MOS  Adventure game engine (fixed version)
ri-li.lha           game/race    16M  OS4  Toy wood engine arcade
wesnoth.lha         game/role    76M  OS4  Battle for Wesnoth
quake3-os4.lha      game/shoot  3.0M  OS4  Quake 3
quake3-src.tar.bz2  game/shoot  3.9M  GEN  Quake 3 Amiga Source Code
DigiPic01.lha       game/think   36K  OS3  Try to build picture from numbers
GoFigure.lha        game/wb      41K  OS3  Create some closed figures! (Update)
SkinsArtKanoid.lha  game/wb     434K  GEN  More skins for ArTKanoid game
Sv5Fix173.lha       gfx/misc    134K  VAR  *Fix* for SView5 V1.73 (5.7.2006)
AmiArcadia.lha      misc/emu    129K  OS3  Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator
DOSBox_68k.lha      misc/emu    337K  OS3  DOSBox 0.58 for Amiga 68k OS
ucon64.lha          misc/emu    1.1M  VAR  uCON64 for amiga computers
und64.lha           misc/emu     32K  OS3  THE C-64 archive file processor v38.19
dockscope.lha       mus/play     25K  OS4  DockyScope for TuneNet and AmigaAmp.
BareED.lha          text/edit   352K  OS3  Text editor supporting proportional font
f-req.lha           util/batch    9K  OS3  A "RequestFile" like program for 1.x 2.x
pdbmake.lha         util/conv    39K  OS4  Create PalmOS PDBs from any binary file
sdiREKOPrefs.lha    util/dtype   15K  GEN  Preferences GUI for sdiREKO DataTypes
UnCPS-AGA.lha       util/pack     6K  OS3  Tools to UNPACK/PACK/VIEW CPS/CMP files
gctw.lha            util/rexx     7K  GEN  check out the weather from cli/amirc
wet.lha             util/wb     679K  OS4  Weather conditions on WB, AppIcon, Docky
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 10. Jul. 2006, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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