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Advent Calendar: Door 3 - Joerg van de Loo
For the third door of our advent calendar, developer Joerg van de Loo took a lot of time. His main Amiga-side project is the text editor BareED. Unlike other editors, BareED is a RAM-based and pixel-oriented (not character-oriented) text editor for the Amiga. This means it can display proportional fonts (characters can vary in width) and use real tabs. Also it supports syntax highlighting, which requires a fast CPU (68040 CPU or better).

Furthermore he writes tools like RTF-Riddle for converting RTF files into the HTML5 format. Always worth reading and of great help for other developers are his comments to various software news on A big thank you for that at this point. His anecdote for the third door:

Police - Friday, December 23, 1988

I arrived home late in the evening (at night!) after two weeks of work and immediately ask my girlfriend if she got the necessary cables to connect the monitor, because at the moment everything is only in black and white and also silently. At first, I had operated the Amiga on the TV, but now I am the proud owner of a 1084S monitor, but the accessory pack was not included...

She denies it, and my mother agrees that they both tried everything to get these cables in a hurry, but it was impossible. Bummer. I call a friend, who I know is still sitting in front of his Amiga late at night. He has these cables, but he can't spare them. Again crap. He gives me a phone number of an Amiga hardware developer with a store in the area - I should try there.

I can't sleep in today, it's the 24th of December - but not because I'm preparing for Christmas Eve, but because I can hardly sleep, as I'm racking my brains to find a way to connect the old 1084 S monitor to my A2000(B), because the right cables weren't included. I actually want to call the hardware developer at 7:00 am, but refrain from doing so until 9:00 am. A friendly woman's voice answers and I ask if they have these cables. She refers me to her son. He answers and points out that today is 24 December. Yes, yes, yes, I know. I ask if he has the cables he needs. "Of course," is his reply. My next question is when I could pick them up. He means on the 27th, his mother calls in and says they are closed until the beginning of January. Ouch. I'm about to hang up in frustration when he says he'll be in the shop for another hour. Hmmm, might well be a bit more than 40 kilometres - I could manage that. I agree to hurry and leave a little later.

My Opel Manta with its tuned engine and balloon tyres (but without the foxtail and wiggly wiggly!) doesn't mind this rainy weather, and neither do I, because as a frequent driver who works in southern Germany, I have to cope with completely different weather conditions. Here on the Lower Rhine, however, the drivers are apparently already overwhelmed by this rain. I'm just overtaking and set the guide speed to something above that of motorways. At a junction with a stop sign, I make it a priority eight-way road. Three kilometres further on, a lorry turns left into my subordinate road, so I ignore the stop sign and turn right. The 70 zone is quickly behind me and then it's just straight ahead - so I have to overtake all the time.

Then I am close to my destination and have to turn left. After fifty metres I stop on the right and take out the folding map (yep, there were no sat navs back then). I orientate myself - and it doesn't take long, because I've had a lot of practice at that. As I turn left, I suddenly see blue lights behind me - oh, police on duty - I'll just let them pass. So I put the indicator back and wait for the police car to pass me. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds - nothing. I look in the rear-view mirror - they are now right behind me! Do they want something from me? I am not aware of any guilt!

A policeman gets out and immediately gets wet because of the rain. He knocks on the window and says "General vehicle inspection". Man, does this have to be now - I'm in a hurry. I open the window and he asks for my papers. I hand them over. He asks me if I know why they stopped me. I answer in the negative. He lectures me: excessive speed, inappropriate driving, running a stop sign twice and if they hadn't switched on the flashing lights, they would have lost the connection. Ouch.

He asks me if I hadn't seen the blue light. I again answer in the negative. I suddenly realise that I am threatened with a driving licence suspension and a fine without the policeman having to point it out to me. I get out - and get wet too. I explain to the policeman why I am in such a hurry - workplace southern Germany, primary residence Lower Rhine, computer, monitor, no matching cables, Christmas, shops closed, black and white, no sound - and all because of the missing accessory pack - and that the shop where I bought this monitor would not be able to supply the missing accessory pack until the middle of next January.

He tells me that this is no reason to disregard the traffic regulations. I point out that I can prove that I drive more than 110.000 kilometres a year and that I don't have any points in Flensburg (at that time this institution still existed), so that my current driving style would be an exception and I would realise that I had screwed up. He just says: "Wait here". He goes to the police car with the papers and gets in.

A short time later he comes back and opens the instruction with: "I have consulted with my colleague. Since today is Christmas Eve and you are reasonable, do you agree to a warning fine of 20 DM?". I can't believe my luck! Of course, I agree! I have already mentally parted with my "rag". I pay the 20 DM and listen to his instructions - although we both get soaking wet. He hands me my papers and wishes me a good trip and a Merry Christmas - I wish him the same, and I mean it! They turn around and I continue my journey.

Soaking wet, I press the bell of the private entrance. The mother of the hardware developer opens the door - and takes good care of me, handing me a towel to dry off. Then she leads me into the actual shop, which is closed today but where her son assembles electronic things. We get acquainted and he has already picked out the cables I need and laid them on the counter. As I look around, I discover floppy disk drives, memory cards and much more. We start talking and after a while, during which his mother interrupts us and urges us to leave, I leave the shop with the necessary cables and a 2 MB loaded 8 MB memory card as well as a second drive.

I drive back, deeply relaxed and looking forward to the coming Christmas. (dr)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2022, 14:24] [Comments: 1 - 03. Dec. 2022, 16:38]
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Video: Building a new Amiga 2000 - part 1
The YouTube channel "Casual Retro Gamer" (CRG) is dedicated to repairing and building retro hardware ( reported). The recently launched video series shows how a new Amiga 2000 is assembled. The board used is the EATX form factor version reworked by developer 'jasonsbeer' ( reported). The chipset comes from a battery-damaged A500+. (dr)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2022, 05:58] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 4.5
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has just released version 4.5 of his web browser Wayfarer for MorphOS including an updated libcURL to fix issues with HTTP/2

Download: wayfarer.lha (29 MB) (dr)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2022, 19:46] [Comments: 1 - 03. Dec. 2022, 20:13]
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Advent Calendar: Door 2 - Daniel Jedlicka
Behind the second door with the initials "DJ" of our advent calendar, Daniel 'trixie' Jedlicka has prepared a story for us. The AmigaOS 4 developer is best known for his recently developed audio editor Rave, but he has been involved in AmigaOS 4 for much longer: He wrote some articles for OS4 Coding (for example about programming screens), published the English dictionary WordNet (latest version 3.5) and has taken over the development of ADRipper since 2015 (latest version 1.13).

In addition, he runs his blog Rear Window, where he not only publishes status updates on the development of his audio editor, but also far-reaching and very readable articles, for example recently about the Amiga37 or the question what motivates him as a developer. And here is his Advent Calendar anecdote:

"It’s the 3rd of August, the year is 1990, I’m seventeen years old and I’m sitting on a tour bus. My father and I are going back from Nuremberg in Germany. But make no mistake, we didn’t go sightseeing; in fact, we couldn’t care less about the city’s history, landmarks and tourist attractions.

The bus is fully loaded with all sorts of electronics. Eight months after the fall of the Iron Curtain, Western goods are still quite a rare sight in Czech shops. Tour operators are thriving because shopping trips like the one we’re returning from are extremely popular in the first year of freedom. The mood on the bus is upbeat. The most excited, and the loudest, is a group of hi-fi enthusiasts occupying the front seats: they just won’t stop their bickering about Sony, Panasonic and something called the Nakamichi Dragon. I don’t understand any of it.

Our bus stops at the state border. After a few minutes, a young Czech customs officer climbs onboard and asks: "Has anybody got anything to declare?"

His words are met with an awkward silence, the kind of silence that is supposed to mean "no".

He looks at the flood of boxes protruding from luggage racks and bags half-blocking the aisle. The lie is so bold and obvious that the officer needs some time to process it. He steps off the bus, taking our tour guide with him. I can see them standing beside the vehicle and talking about something with a lot of agitation. The guide is gesticulating wildly.

After a few minutes, the officer is back on the bus and we all know we’re in trouble. Row by row he moves along the aisle inspecting the cargo, and if a particular box looks too pricey to be dismissed, he commands the unlucky owner outside the bus, where other uniformed officers take it over. After a few minutes there’s already a small crowd. Through the window I can see them fumbling with passports, customs forms and banknotes.

The bus is almost half-empty and my dad is sweating profusely. We didn't account for this! We spent all of our money in Germany, so how on Earth are we now going to pay the customs fee, possibly even a hefty fine for not declaring our goods? It’s sure as eggs that we’ll return empty-handed because what we’ve bought will be retained or confiscated.

The officer approaches our seats. There’s no way we could pretend that the tall cardboard box painfully stuffed between me and dad doesn’t exist. The officer sets his eyes on me. I realize he’s practically my age, perhaps a little bit older, fresh out of school. He looks at the box and his thin lips read the word "Commodore" silently. He looks at me again.

And then he moves on. My dad starts breathing heavily as if he's just had a heart attack.

In about forty minutes the bus finally crosses the border. My Amiga story is about to begin." (dr)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2022, 06:01] [Comments: 2 - 03. Dec. 2022, 11:22]
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CD32 adventure game: Wrong Way Back
Richard Perrin is a former indie game developer who wrote, among other things, the science fiction adventure game The White Chamber (Wikipedia entry). In his spare time, he continues to develop adventures for retro systems. As he explains to us, he never owned an Amiga growing up and was always envious of AMOS. So when he got the chance to make something for the Amiga using AMOS, he jumped at the chance: This is how his game "Wrong Way Back" for the CD32 came about, which he wrote entirely using the Amiga emulator FS-UAE.

He goes on to say that the game is more of an experiment than anything else, which is why it is so short. He wanted to create a game in which you are trapped in a room that is constantly changing. As a result, the style of play is also constantly changing. (dr)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2022, 06:54] [Comments: 0]
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Advent Calendar: Door 1 - Achim Kern
Our Advent Calendar is opened by Achim Kern, who is known for various Hollywood applications with his label KeHo Software. Besides various games like Balloons or Mars Tank Attack, he mainly dedicates himself to his SmartHome project for the automation of his own four walls.
Here is his Advent story:

"It's 1981 and Achim and his buddy Martin - passionate electronics hobbyists - are competing to see who can build the best radio transmitter and the most powerful hi-fi amplifier (at that time, watts and distortion factor counted). As every year, they set out for Hobby & Elektronik on Stuttgart's Killesberg to get their hands on the latest hardware (transistors, kits, etc.). But this time, history was about to be made: Achim discovered a stand where a small black membrane keyboard was on display. This was capable of displaying numbers and letters on a small screen...! Achim and Martin had no idea what it was, what the point of it all was - but their curiosity and fascination was immediately aroused.

Problem: the part cost DM 398! And they didn't know what you could really do with it. Achim then decided to sacrifice his savings and bought the black box (ZX81 Computer). At home, the "magic box" was connected to Dad's black-and-white TV. Everyone gathered in front of the machine as he typed his first (BASIC) demo, like this:
  • A=5
  • B=5
His father asked dumbfounded: "Achim - and what is that supposed to bring?". He told him: "I don't know yet - but that is the future that is coming!

And as we can all see today: Achim had recognised the signs of the times correctly! And years later he became one of our most loyal AMIGA disciples. Achim's (KeHoSoftware) latest project, which all AMIGA fans can look forward to, is called "MERMAID AMICA" - free again - made with Hollywood - Hallelujah."


[News message: 01. Dec. 2022, 06:34] [Comments: 1 - 01. Dec. 2022, 09:29]
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John Girvin

Arcade-Action: Turbo Santa Deluxe Edition 2022, Highscore competition
At the end of last year, Nivrig Games released the arcade action game "Turbo Santa" (YouTube video), which is based on Turbo Tomato he also wrote. Now he has released a Deluxe Edition 2022 of his Christmas game, which has been rebalanced and now also features an endless mode. Golden gifts bring additional points and bonuses for delivery.

Furthermore, like last year, there is a high score competition with prizes donated by Amiga Addict, Bitmap Soft, Geezer Games and Retro32. The six best Turbo Santa DX22 scores in endless mode and normal difficulty submitted between 1 and 24 December 2022 have the chance to win various prizes.

Finally, Santa Rocks by the same developer is also available again. (dr)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2022, 05:47] [Comments: 0]
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Platform game: Remake of "Boxx" using Scorpion Engine
The developer 'Lemming880' is currently working on the fourth part of his "Boxx" series developed with the Scorpion Engine ( reported). He also tried to port the first part of the series, originally written with Backbone, to the Scorpion Engine, which apparently succeeded: he uploaded a beta version under the title link (YouTube trailer). Minimum requirement is an Amiga 500 with 1MB RAM. (dr)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2022, 06:19] [Comments: 0]
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Craig Loewen

WSL for Windows 10/11 generally available
As Microsoft explains in a developer book entry, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is now generally available for Windows 10 and 11 in the Microsoft Store, having previously held "Preview" status. This means that it is now easier for users and developers to test the runtime environment for Linux, "AxRuntime", written by Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz, under Windows: for existing users, a simple upgrade is possible with wsl --update. If one uses the store version of WSL, one gets WSL updates much faster than before when WSL was a Windows component.

At a request of the WSL community, WSL in the Store will now be available on Windows 10 and Windows 11. This allows Windows 10 users to take advantage of the latest WSL features, including support for systemd and Linux GUI applications. (dr)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2022, 06:48] [Comments: 0]
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Andrew Hutchings (Twitter)

DIY: V2.2 of RGBtoHDMI adapter for Amiga 2000
Developer Andrew Hutchings had summarized the development status regarding his version of the RGBtoHDMI adapter at the end of January 2022, which is based on the RGBtoHDMI project and is a further development of the Amiga-VideoSlot-RGBtoHDMI adapter for the Amiga 2000 by 'Bloodmosher': The goal of the RGBtoHDMI project is to feed raw digital RGB data into a Raspberry Pi Zero, which then outputs it via HDMI to produce a pixel-perfect display of the image with low latency.

The now published version 2.2 of the design is smaller than the 2.1 version and has a protection fuse on it. Basically, version 2 of this board is easier to build and easier for the user to install than version 1. The Pi is on the back of the Amiga, so the HDMI port can be connected directly, and physical buttons are used instead of cables. The parts needed to assemble it yourself can be ordered for around 14 euros plus shipping on tindie. (dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2022, 10:24] [Comments: 0]
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Platform game: Ami-Tower updated
The Polish developer 'Tukinem' (farm simulation "Farmiga") has ported Icy Tower in Blitz Basic 2 for the Amiga. The game principle is to let the main character climb a tower by jumping to different heights.

The still incomplete version we reported about at the beginning of November has now been completed by the developer, got some bug fixes and have been made and the full version has been released. The game requires a standard Amiga 500 with Kick 1.3 and 500 KB. (dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2022, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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Platform game: Super Delivery Boy 2022.2
The mini-game "Super Delivery Boy" again has been updated ( reported). Changes:
  • Reduced loading times between Menu/Credits and Game/GameOver
  • Added quit option in main menu
  • Adf is now Workbench friendly  
  • Added copper sky and snow fx to main menu
  • Bug fixes

[News message: 28. Nov. 2022, 06:40] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4/MorphOS: Odyssey script for GitHub websites updated
George 'walkero' Sokianos again has updated the script to correctly display GitHub websites with the browser Odyssey: Now you will find an URL under the assets of a release where nothing was visible. (dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2022, 05:47] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: ZZ9000 and ZZ9000AX in an Amiga 2000
As usual, Epsilon reports in detail and with numerous pictures about Lukas F. Hartmann's ZZ9000 graphics card and the ZZ9000AX sound card available for it in the latest blog entry of his "Epsilon's World". (dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2022, 05:30] [Comments: 0]
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ujb (Kommentar)

MorphOS: Email client Iris 1.5
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 1.5 of his email program Iris for MorphOS. The new version introduces support for auto-archiving attachments into a zip archive, including encrypting them with password. Changes:
  • Attachments can now be automatically turned into a zip archive when writing email
  • Zip attachments may be extracted right from Iris
  • Fixed a warning / signal leak when viewing the Outgoing Messages folder
Download: iris.lha (21 MB) (dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2022, 05:26] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 4.4
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 4.4 of his web browser Wayfarer for MorphOS. Changes:
  • Massive performance gains in decoding of large file images
  • Loading progress bar colour can now be configured in Interface settings
  • Cherrypicked OffscreenCanvas fixes from latest WebKit sources
  • Added handling of very long filenames when finalizing a download
  • Fixed a bad free call in the media decoder
  • Disabled some stray debug
Download: wayfarer.lha (29 MB) (dr)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 20:02] [Comments: 0]
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Network solution: Amiga Explorer 10
Cloanto's Amiga Explorer allows access to an Amiga's files and drives from a Windows computer, supporting null modem cables, network or Bluetooth adapters to connect. New features in the now released version 10 include a new clipboard - bi-directional sharing of text in the clipboard has been added - and restored "Windows XP SP3" support. This is a free update for all previous versions. The full changelog can be seen under "Properties" on the Windows side. The Amiga update can be done via the Windows page or via Aminet. (dr)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 16:20] [Comments: 0]
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Announcement: The Advent Calendar 2022
Dear readers, each of us probably associates something different with the Advent season: for some, it starts as early as September, since from then on you can stock up on gingerbread and speculoos. Another may look forward to the Christmas markets. In recent years, there has been a nice trend that, in addition to the large and classic markets, there are also small artists' and neighborhood markets that give a hint of the secrecy of childhood.
But two things should be mandatory for everyone - with or without family offspring: an Advent calendar and storytelling. If the simple picture advent calendars or the ones filled with a chocolate figure, which are still known from earlier days, are enough or if it should be the variants filled with perfume, toys and technology, which have almost reached the realm of small furniture in terms of size and weight, is a matter of taste. With our advent calendar we want to take up this nice tradition of the calendar as well as the story telling.

We asked developers and programmers for a little anecdote. So from December 1st until Christmas we read in sometimes shorter, sometimes longer texts about their Amiga beginnings, first successes and experiences from their creative wealth and little incidents to smile or even to think about.
If you like, you can try to guess who is participating in our calendar by their initials. At this point, a big thank you to all who participated! (dr)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 15:38] [Comments: 2 - 02. Dec. 2022, 15:07]
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Aminet uploads until 26.11.2022
The following files have been added until 26.11.2022 to Aminet:
AExplorer_Update.lha     comm/net   131K  68k Cloanto Amiga Explorer Update
wla_dx_v10.4.lha         dev/cross  7.0M  68k WLA DX - 8-bit CPU Cross Macr...
PortablE.lha             dev/e      13M   ALL E compiler, r6b (24.11.2022)
AVAGOMouse.lha           docs/hard  540K  68k hack Dell mouse for Amiga w/ ...
f1champ.lha              docs/misc  74K       Statistics of Formula One 195...
nblood.lha               game/shoot 1.0M  68k Blood Amiga Port
wcs.lha                  gfx/3d     1.9M  68k recompiled version of World C...
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   4.6M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.9M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   5.1M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiVms.lha               misc/emu   3.4M  68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
MultiMeedio.lha          mus/play   32K       Script to control many media ...
RNOInfoScreen.lha        mus/play   12M   ALL Music player front-end and in...
RNOTunes.lha             mus/play   8.3M  MOS Multi-format audio player
RNOTunes_68k.lha         mus/play   8.0M  68k Multi-format audio player
RNOTunes_68k_FPU.lha     mus/play   7.9M  68k Multi-format audio player
RNOTunes_AROS.lha        mus/play   8.3M  x86 Multi-format audio player
RNOTunes_OS4.lha         mus/play   8.8M  OS4 Multi-format audio player
RNOTunes_WOS.lha         mus/play   8.6M  WOS Multi-format audio player
sdop.lha                 text/misc  2.8M  MOS DocBook XML to PostScript pro...
UHCGUI-Current.lha       util/wb    58K   68k GUI frontend for the UHC-Tool...

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 26.11.2022
The following files have been added until 26.11.2022 to OS4Depot:
nallepuh.lha             aud/mis 69kb  4.1 NallePUH (Paula emulation) for O...
rnoinfoscreen.lha        aud/pla 12Mb  4.1 Music player front-end and info ...
rnotunes.lha             aud/pla 9Mb   4.1 Multi-format audio player
spotless.lha             dev/deb 3Mb   4.1 Your favorite debugging tool
portable.lha             dev/lan 13Mb  4.1 E compiler, r6b (24.11.2022)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 26.11.2022
The following files have been added until 26.11.2022 to AROS Archives:
rnoinfoscreen.i386-aros.lha  aud/pla 12Mb  Music player front-end and info ...
rnotunes.i386-aros.lha       aud/pla 8Mb   Multi-format audio player

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 26.11.2022
The following files have been added until 26.11.2022 to MorphOS-Storage:
RNOInfoScreen_1.8.lha     Audio/Players             RNOInfoScreen works as ...
RNOTunes_1.0.lha          Audio/Players             RNOTunes is a GUI based...
MultiMeedio_1.4.lha       Audio/Scripts             A script to control man...
Chrysalis_3.17r3_Micro... Chrysalis                 This pack allows you to...
PortablE_r6b.lha          Development/E             PortablE is a recreatio...
SDL_2.26.0_Libraries.lha  Development/Library       All Libraries SDL2 : SD...          Development/Library       ncursesw (ncurses with ...
MorphOS_in_detail_1.1.pdf Documentation/MorphOS     An old documentation ab...
VICE_2.4.lha              Emulation                 Old version of VICE, an...
BootClock_1.30r1.lha      Misc                      A little and easy progr...
Stellarium_0.8.2.lha      Misc                      A MorphOS port of Stell...
PastePass_2.0.lha         System/Utilities          A simple passwordmanage...               Text/Edit                 View/edit files in hexa...
sdop_0.90.lha             Text/Misc                 DocBook XML to PostScri...

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 26.11.2022
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 26.11.2022: (snx)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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27.Nov.2022 (forum)

Event: World of Commodore 2022 in Toronto (Canada)
Next weekend, on Decmber 3 and 4, the "World of Commodore" will take place in Toronto. Hosted by TPUG (Toronto PET Users Group) - founded in 1979 and, according to its own information, the oldest continuously active Commodore user group - the event can be attended not only on site but also virtually via Zoom.

Amiga-related speakers will be David Pleasance (formerly of Commodore UK) and Ranko Rodic (Minimig updates) as well as the YouTubers Amiga Bill and Dan Wood. (snx)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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Seiya (ANF)

PDF magazine: REV'n'GE 140 (Italian/English)
Besides the Italian original issue, the PDF magazine REV'n'GE ("Retro Emulator Vision and Game") is also available in English. The magazine's reviews compare, if available, the different ports of classic games to the various platforms of their time.

Amiga-related, the current issue is about "Superhero" and "Theatre of Death". (snx)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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Jochen Wenz (ANF)

ENTER: Computer and Retro Museum in Switzerland
For Commodore fans and lovers of nostalgic devices of all kinds, there is the ENTER museum in Solothurn, Switzerland. Besides record players, video recorders, tube radios and historic computers (including Swiss makes with 68k processors) of all brands, there are also various Amiga 1000s, 2000s and 3000s on display, as well as a lot of Commodore computers from the 70s and 80s.

Being not just behind glass, (almost) everything is hands-on. On a C64, for example, there is a rare music keyboard including cartridge. And in an archive for repair manuals, you can make copies. The "64er" magazine can be found there up to the year 1991. And for gamblers, there are various old slot machines and a pinball machine.

In the museum shop, you can also buy active and passive electronic components, but also old long-playing records, for example. Next year, the museum will move to a new building in the neighbouring village. (snx)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2022, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
Amiga Kit: Final Writer 7 pre-installed on A600GS (02. Jun.)
Emulator: WinUAE 5.3.0 (02. Jun.)
Hollywood goes LaTeX: hTeX 1.0 released (02. Jun.)
ACube Systems: UBoot 2015.c for Sam460EX, Sam460CR and Sam460LE boards (18. May.)
Interview: Announcement of a cost-reduced MiSTer FPGA board (08. May.)
MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 8.2 (2nd update) (04. May.)
Print/PDF magazine: Amiga Addict, issue 29 (02. May.)
A-EON announces new version of Personal Paint for A600GS (27. Apr.)
Hollywood Designer 7.0 released (14. Apr.)
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