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Updates of Texteditor.mcc, TheBar.mcc and OpenURL for all systems
The MUI-classes Texteditor and TheBar as well as OpenURL were updated. All libraries are available for all of the Amiga systems. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Sep. 2010, 17:09] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

MorphOS: Vector graphic editor MagicalInk (Update)
With MagicalInk wriiten by Carsten Siegner you can open and edit Word95-, OpenOfficeDraw- and SVG-files (Youtube-video). It also includes a graphical user-interface.

This is the first public release and therefore the archive does not include a manual and translations. MagicalInk requires MorphOS 2.5 and the font collection of the browser OWB. If OWB has not already installed you can install the required fonts with the batch-script "Download Fonts".

Launching MagicalInk for the first time can take about two minutes to create a font cache.

Download: magicalink.lha (2,1 MB)

Update: (02.09.2010, 21:00, cg)

Carsten Siegner has published some tutorial videos which explain the usage of the program: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The author pointed out that he could not turn off the autofocus of his camera. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Sep. 2010, 21:35] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

New articles on Obligement
The articles below have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement during the last two months. All translations are welcome - if you are interested, please contact David Brunet for more information.
  • Amiga/MorphOS news of july/august 2010
  • Old news from july to december 1998 and its relatives articles: news about QNX, Report about Pianeta 1998, review of REBOL 1.0.2, etc.)
  • Report: Alchimie 2009
  • Interview with Guilaume Michalakakos (musician of the Natatmi Team)
  • Interview with Pascal Papara (maker of the AresOne and more)
  • Old interviews from 2001: Martin Merz, Petro Tyschtschenko, Thomas Unger and Nikolaj Kiær Thygesen
  • Review of Fortis
  • Review of Giana's Return
  • Review of IceFileSystem 1.13
  • Review of C64 Orchestra
  • Hardware: Kickstart ROM Switcher
  • Hardware: HxC Floppy Emulator
  • Hardware: Add a LED for the PCMCIA in an A600
  • Hardware: Add a LED for the PCMCIA in an A1200
  • File: History of the Amiga - year 1998 (update)
  • File: Id numbers and models of PowerPC Macintosh
  • Tutorial: Overclock a CyberStorm Mk3
  • Tutorial: HTML - documents formatting (separators)
  • Tutorial: HTML - navigation in documents (hypertext links)
  • Special quizz about Carl Sassenrath, and the year 1986 and 1987
  • Article in English: Interview with Pascal Papara

[News message: 01. Sep. 2010, 16:56] [Comments: 0]
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Aros-Exec (Forum)

AROS: Surfstick support for Poseidon
The cdcacm.class for Poseidon does now also support the Huawei E169 and E220 used by O2 or Vodafone. The support of further models was announced. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Sep. 2010, 16:50] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Sudoku-Solver Sudominator 0.1
Grzegorz "Krashan" Kraszewski's Sudominator solves Sudoku-puzzles. The source code is included in the archive. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Sep. 2010, 16:04] [Comments: 0]
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Commodore USA purchased licence for distributing "Amiga"-keyboard computers
Commodore USA which for a short time has been selling keyboard computers with a later added Commodore-logo has announced in a press release that Amiga Inc. sold the company a licence for the distribution. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Sep. 2010, 03:15] [Comments: 0]
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01.Sep.2010 (Webseite)

Magazine: Commodore Free, issue 43 - Interview with A-EON
"Commodore Free" is a free, English-language magazine about Commodore and Amiga computers which is available in different formats - among others as HTML-version and as C64-Diskmag.

Topics of this issue:
  • Editorial
  • NEWS
    • Amiga Forever and C64 Forever 2010.1 Released
    • SIDIN Issue 13 Released
    • WinUAE 2.2.0 Available
    • PC World Wesbite Looks Inside The Amiga 1000
    • Vintage Computer Festival
    • Cottonwood BBS Update
    • RGB Video Update
    • C64 - Archiv Updated To V3.2
    • CBM-Command Special Release
    • OpenSSL 1.0.0a (Rev#2) for AmigaOS
    • Amitopia TV 11th of July - Giana's Edition!
    • C64 Memories Frontend For The Commodore 64
    • Silo 64 Game
    • SEUCK Vault Update News
    • WookieChat For Amiga OS Update
    • ASCII -- PETSCII Converter
    • 4GB CF IDE Hard Drive
    • BASIC point
    • UFE Floppy Drive Emulator
    • A-Eon Updates Revison 2 Nemo Motherboards and AmigaOne X1000 Beta Test Update
    • Not Another Sprite Editor V1
    • 10 Year Anniversary Concert With Press Play On Tape
    • "The Unofficial CMD Homepage"
  • Interview with Trevor Dickinson - A-EON Technology CVBA
  • Interview with Gregory Alekel - Creator of and Comet64
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Sep. 2010, 02:30] [Comments: 0]
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Moobunny (website)

AmigaOne X1000: Beta tester documents on Internet
The documents which get users of A-EONs beta-program are available on Internet. We have collected the most important information. But be aware: No liability assumed!
  1. The beta tester immediately has to pay 750 Euro. The beta hardware (only motherboard and memory - tower, mouse or keyboard are not included) will probably be sent at the end of this year and will cost "approximately" 1400 Euro (plus taxes and shipping).
  2. Although the document is only called "Confidentiality and Betatesting Agreement" the main part of it is about the handing over of the X1000 and the coresponding payments..
  3. A-EON offers a "limited warranty": If there will be bugs which interferes a great deal the functions of the motherboard and which cannot be fixed with the help of software the beta tester can send back the hardware to the producer. A-EON then will decide if the motherboard will be reworked or the beta tester will get 90% of the purchase price.
  4. The contract does not include any provisions what will happen with the payments in advance if there are any problems.

In our opinion this document is a contract of sale. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2010, 16:26] [Comments: 0]
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30.Aug.2010 (Webseite)

Emulator: Preview to WinUAE 2.3.0
As usual the developers of the well-known Amiga-emulator WinUAE has given a short preview to the next forthcoming version. WinUAE 2.3.0 is supposed to be published in September:

New features:
  • CDTV and CD32 subchannel hardware emulation, CD+G audio CDs supported.
  • CDTV statefile support.
  • FLAC CD audio supported (cue+flac or cue+iso+flac).
  • Automatic center option in autoscale select menu.
  • uaescsi.device SCSI emulation, including full CD audio support.
  • Pause uaescsi.device CD audio when emulation is paused or GUI is open.
  • Support for configuration file delayed CD image insert, for example CD32 games
  • F17 Challenge and Last Ninja crash if booted before CD32 boot screen appears..
  • Right and bottom border, if outside of display area, is blanked instead of filling with current border color.
  • Full "Portable"/USB key mode (-portable command line parameter) and relative path support.

  • CD/CD image handling rewrite:
    • .ccd/.img/.sub and .mds/.mdf v1 image files supported.
    • Subchannel support (CDTV/CD32 CD+G).
    • Audio tracks fully supported.
    • SCSI emulation, CD images and non-SPTI mode full uaescsi.device CD audio support, most common CD SCSI commands emulated. SCSI emulation enabled by default.
    • Near-instant compressed (mp3/flac) CD audio and zipped CD image startup time.
    • More reliable CD/CD image and CD backend on the fly change support.
  • CD32/CDTV more accurate CD audio and animation streaming.
  • RawInput ignored most software injected key messages (messages without source keyboard information). They are now redirected to virtual keyboard called "WinUAE null keyboard".
  • Audio and disk DMA sequencer is now cycle-exact, Paula DMA request line timing fully emulated. (previously DMA accesses were "immediate", all other timing was already exact)
  • Direct3D bezel overlays and "old" overlays separated, bezel overlays are in overlays-directory, old overlays should be renamed as masks.
  • Direct3D bezel automatic display area detection and aspect ratio correction.
  • Disk images inside archives are automatically "extracted" to Disk Swapper and floppy drive paths when dragged and dropped.
  • Improved plugin-directory detection.
  • 68000 and 68020 cycle exact CPU timing updates.
Fixed bugs:
  • Triple/double/single buffer option was not saved to configuration file.
  • Autovsync didn't work.
  • Rawkeyboard GUI F12 key ignored window focus.
  • Gameports panel joystick/mouse type (mouse,joystick,analog joystick,..) was ignored whenn configuration file was loaded.
  • Direct3D 2x+ shader filter bad image quality.
  • CDTV CD timecode fixed (Built-in CD player time counter).
  • CD32 CD end of play notification only worked if play was last sent CD command. (Fightin Spirit)
  • CD32 CD audio status update when attempting to play data tracks (Mission Impossible 2025)
  • CD32 pad 2-button mode fixes (F17 Challenge, Quik The Thunder Rabbit, ATR)
  • Audio length detection error if MP3 audio tracks had checksummed frames.
  • Built-in image mounter CD audio timecode offset fixed.
  • Z3/RTG RAM leak when restarting.
  • Direct3D scanlines can be (finally) enabled on the fly.
  • Configuration file cdimage0=:\ at startup didn't work.
  • Dynamic hardfiles didn't work reliably with DirectSCSI filesystems.
  • Dynamic hardfile data corruption if physical file size grew over 4G.
  • Some demos had blank display (broke in 2.0 Denise updates).
  • Transparent clipboard crash if Windows-side image was not 8 or 32-bit.
  • Initial ROM scan didn't detect Amiga Forever rom keys correctly.
  • Joystick axis bogus autofire in some situations when remapping joysticks.
  • RawInput was not enabled if only one (physical or logical) keyboard was detected.
  • RTG mouse cursor problem in D3D mode with enabled filter.
  • RTG 8-bit fullscreen mode color error in some situations.
  • Some misc custom chipset and disk emulation tweaks.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 30. Aug. 2010, 22:22] [Comments: 0]
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twitter/ MorphOS Team (ANF)

MorphOS: KidLock 1.1
Antoine "Czeko" Dubourg's KidLock deactivates the keyboard and/or the mouse of the computer to avoid undesired input of kids or cats. You can unlock it with a certain keyboard shortcut. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 30. Aug. 2010, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Reggae tutorial for class
A new Reggae tutorial with 3 example applications is available in the MorphZone Library. One of the examples is just ready to use HTTP downloader with support for files longer than 4 GB (on 64-bit filesystems of course). This is the first part of tutorial, the second one will cover more advanced stuff. (snx)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2010, 09:52] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: New Icons and AISS 4.10
Press release Several icon sets and an update for AISS in the new AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 style are available on the Masonicons website.

Masonicons Collection August 2010
Icons for apps, tools and utilities like AmiBlitz, Audio Evolution, Diavolo, Envoy and many more. Preview: rel13.jpg

AISS 4.10
The Amiga Image Storage System features over 5,000 toolbar images in the new design. (AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 only - on older systems you have to install AISS 4.6 first.) Preview: aiss410.pdf (snx)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2010, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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28.Aug.2010 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Audio Evolution 4 available
After AmigaOS 4 and AROS the audio recordung software Audio Evolution 4 is now available for MorphOS as well. You can download a limited demo version to test it. The author thanks the MorphOS developer team for the support. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2010, 23:14] [Comments: 0]
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Edgar Schwan (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: UFRaw for AmiCygnix / Gimp-Plugin-Upload finished
With the help of UFRaw you can edit and convert RAW-graphics (screenshot). The program is based on Dave Coffin's DCRaw and supports many different graphic types.

UFRaw can be used as single application or as plugin for the picture editing software The Gimp.

You can also read Exif-data and colour management with Little CMS (lcms).

Supported formats:
  • Unidentified Flying Raw (*.ufraw)
  • Adobe Digital Negative (*.dng)
  • Canon RaW (*.crw, *.cr2)
  • Fuji raw image (*.raf)
  • Kodak raw image (*.dcr, *.k25, *.kdc)
  • Minolta raw image (*.mrw)
  • Nikon raw image (*.nef)
  • Olympus raw image (*.orf)
  • Panasonic raw image (*.raw)
  • Pentax raw image (*.pef)
  • Sigma raw image (*.x3f)
  • Sony Raw Format (*.srf, *.sr2)
  • Alpha Raw format (*.arw)
The Gimp: Plugin-Status

All uploads concerning "The Gimp" are finished. All working plugins are now available.

The following standard plugins do still not work:
  • script-fu
  • print
  • help + helpbrowser (Gimp Hilfesystem)
  • poppler (PDF Dokumente)
  • pygimp (Python Skripte)
  • imagemap
  • spheredesigner
  • fractaltrace
Download: ufraw.lha (15 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2010, 12:20] [Comments: 0]
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Web-Browser: Netsurf 2.1
Artur Jarosik has published a new update of the AmigaOS-port of NetSurf. This version introduces the support of Cookies which has still some bugs. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2010, 16:58] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Rupp (ANF)

Javascript: The Amiga Workbench Simulation 0.13
TAWS ("The Amiga Workbench Simulation") is a pure JavaScript simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 3 for Internet Explorer, Firefox and from this version on for Opera and AppleWebKit-browser either. All kind of feedback is very welcome.

You can find a detailed list of changes if you start TAWS and then go to System/TAWS. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2010, 14:58] [Comments: 0]
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