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25.Oct.2010 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Alpha-Version of script language Rebol 3 published
Version 3 of the script language Rebol - which is a development of Carl Sassenrath- has reached alpha status. Rebol 3 is available for different platforms, including AmigaOS 4.1.

Hint: The development of the Rebol Host-Kit for Rebol 3 was still not finished. The Windows version is currently the only one which supports graphics. According to the programmer the AmigaOS-port is "still unstable". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2010, 21:26] [Comments: 0]
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25.Oct.2010 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: AmiDARK Engine, Demo Pack 1
The AmiDARK Engine is called "Game Development Kit" by the author. It is a collection of macros and functions for C-programmers.

Meanwhile an archive with demos was published which were created with AmiDARK. You can get information about the still unpublished main program on the website of the author. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2010, 19:44] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasosforum (Webseite)

MorphOS: First steps in programming
Supoorted by a bounty project Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski has published four articles about MorphOS programming.

Basic knowledge of C/C++ is required. You can make suggestions for further topics at MorphZone. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2010, 06:52] [Comments: 0]
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24.Oct.2010 (Webseite) Amiga Magazine and Amiga X as PDF-files
Under the title link has uploaded 58 issues of the Dutch magazines "Amiga Magazine" and "Amiga X" as pdf-files which have been published between 1989-1997 and 1994-1995. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2010, 20:07] [Comments: 0]
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Grasshopper LLC (E-Mail)

DTP: PageStream (Beta)
Registered users of the DTP-program PageStream can download beta version of the AmigaOS version. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2010, 14:58] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: SuperTuxKart-Update
Under the title link our reader xeno74 has published an optimized and faster version of the game SuperTuxKart inclusive a fan race track. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2010, 11:57] [Comments: 0]
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Event: First pictures and reports of AmiWest 2010
This weekend the most important Amiga meeting called AmiWest 2010 took place.
Carl Sassenrath has announced his script language Rebol 3 for AmigaOS 4.1.

Jens Schönfeld has presented a prototype of his accelerator boards for the Amiga models 600 and 1200. A short video of Steve 'CSixx' Ody recorded with a handy shows a board for the Amiga 600. You can also see there Frieden-brothers with an AmigaOne X1000, the Amiga trader Matthew Leaman of AmigaKit, who among others presented a Sam460-mainboard and Carl Sassenrath with his presentations. Steve Ody has also published pictures.

On the website of AmigaKit you can find further pictures of this event as well as short news.
Ben Hermans of Hyperion explained the future of AmigaOS 4.1 and its hardware. According to him the focus on the development of the opareting system will be the support of printers. Another focus is the graphic subsystem as well as the support of processor cores. In future the AmigaOne computers will be based on the P4 and P5 architecture of Freescale. The PowerPC is a useable platform to him.

Ben Hermans has also announced AmigaOS 4.1 for PowerUp-Amigas which will be available at the end of the year.

A short video is available which shows the speech of Trevor Dickinsons. Additionally Daniel 'Dragster' Rangel explains some observations at Steven Solie's developer version of AmigaOS 4. Probably AmiUpdate will be integtrated and the preferences completed.

The PowerUp-version of AmigaOS 4.1 is supposed to support memory extensions called ZorRAM as well as Radeon graphic boards and paging.

Jens Schönfeld of Individual Computers has announced that the next generation of the Flickerfixer Indivision AGA can be used in Amiga 1200 as well as Amiga 4000T, will have a DVI-interface for video output and will have DDR-RAM insteaed of SDR-RAM.

Eldee 'eliyahu' Stephens has summarized further information. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2010, 10:32] [Comments: 2 - 03. Apr. 2011, 23:22]
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Viva Amiga: Amiga documentation in progress
The American Zach Weddington is going to make a documentary film on the Amiga called "Viva Amiga". At the end of September he explained on that he had started making the film.

Among others the whole project is supposed to be financed by reservations. You can watch a first teaser on the official website of the project. Weddington is a longtime fan of the Amiga and the pointed out that "Viva Amiga" is a independent project handle which mainly is supported by unpaid colleagues. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2010, 18:19] [Comments: 0]
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Pascal Papara (ANF)

AROS: First steps of Pagestream-port
Encouraged by members of the AROS-community, Deron "deronk" Kazmaier currently tries to compile his commercial DTP-application Pagestream to AROS. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2010, 17:33] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Individual Computers: Accelerator boards on AmiWest
According to the latest press release of Individual Computers the new accelerator boards will be presented for the first time at the AmiWest.

The basic version of the board for the Amiga 1200 has 28-MHz-68EC030 as well as 64 MB RAM and can load the Kickstart-ROM to the fast memory which will increase the whole performance of the system. Later a board with a higher CPU-performance and MMU is planned. The board for the Amiga 600 has 25 MHz and 32 MB RAM as wel as a MMU. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2010, 16:16] [Comments: 0]
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19.Oct.2010 (Webseite)

AmiWest 2010: Live video stream in collaboration with are pleased to announce that they will be hosting the live video stream from this years AmiWest show. You can get further information under the title link. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Oct. 2010, 09:58] [Comments: 0]
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PPA (Webseite)

AROS: Protrekkr 2.5.1
Franck 'hitchhikr' Charlet has compiled the latest version 2.5.1 of the music program Protrekkr for AROS.

  • Tracks are only shadowed during playing
  • Added cutomizable resonance for reverb filter
  • Tracker could crash when loading an instrument over another one which was still playing
  • Autosave function was broken
  • Added auto backup function, the tracker will create a backup of any existing old module version before overwriting the new one
  • Reverb threshold delays table was lacking some values
Download: protrekkr.lha (808 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2010, 18:52] [Comments: 0]
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17.Oct.2010 (Webseite)

MorphOS: ScummVM 1.2.0
Fabien "Fab" Coeurjoly has ported the latest version of the adventure interpreter ScummVM to MorphOS. The changes in this version are listed at the official website of the project.

Direct download: scummvm-1.2.0.lha (7,3 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2010, 17:15] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (ANF)

Announcement: Hollywood Designer 3.0
Press release: After almost 3 years of development, Airsoft Softwair is very proud to announce the long awaited third incarnation of our famous Hollywood Designer. Hollywood Designer 3.0 is a multimedia authoring system that runs on top of Hollywood and can be used to create all sorts of multimedia based applications; for example presentations, slide shows, simple games, and programs.

Thanks to Hollywood, all multimedia applications created using Hollywood Designer can be exported as stand-alone executables for the following systems: AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4, WarpOS, MorphOS, AROS (x86), Windows (x86), Mac OS X (PPC), Mac OS X (x86). This is a feature that is totally unique in the Amiga world.

Hollywood Designer 3.0 is a huge update and has endless new features and improvements over the previous versions. We do not want to bore you, so here are just some of them:
  • Support for global project timeline: allows scheduling of slides in millisecond precision! (great for sync'ing slides and music)
  • Introducing action events for much more artistic freedom
  • Almost 40 different action events are supported!
  • Unlimited number of effects can run simultaneously
  • Unlimited number of anims can run simultaneously
  • Incredibly powerful effect handler: page effects can run simultaneously with object effects
  • Thumbnail view of all slides in the project
  • Support for hotkeys during presentation mode (pause, forward, backward...)
  • Event system completely redesigned - much more powerful now!
  • All fonts can be linked into executables generated by Designer - no more worries about missing fonts!
  • Support for platform independent text rendering: TrueType text looks exactly the same now on every system!
  • Text objects can be rotated and distorted now, too
  • Support for real layer transparency and tinting
  • Inbuilt scaling engine allows promotion of projects to any screen mode
  • Layer z-order is no longer tied to order of layer appearance
  • On-the-fly animation of layers is possible using a special action event inspired by DPaint's "Move" functionality
  • Mouse pointer can be changed during presentation
  • GIF anims can be embedded in projects
  • Supports cool new MUI 4.0 features (MorphOS version only)
  • Added support for object anchor points
  • Over 50 new transition effects
  • UTF-8 support for all text objects
  • Buttons are handled completely asynchronously now
  • Projects can now be exported as AVI videos
  • Lots of other changes, optimizations and bug fixes

Without a doubt, Hollywood Designer 3.0 is the definitive multimedia solution for all Amiga compatible platforms, but as a picture is worth a thousand words, here are some screenshots of Hollywood Designer 3.0 running on MorphOS 2.6.

Hollywood Designer 3.0 is a very stable and mature multimedia authoring system. We would like to emphasize that it is not only suited for personal use, but also for professional commercial customers. Ferrule Media, for instance, have created an info channel containing over 700 unique slides in a single project with Hollywood Designer. Hollywood Designer was designed to handle these huge projects efficiently so that they can run 24 hours a day and 7 days a week without any visible memory fragmentation!

Hollywood Designer 3.0 will be available exclusively for AmigaOS 3 (m68k), AmigaOS 4 (ppc), and MorphOS (ppc). It is scheduled for release around Christmas 2010. Please contact us with any questions you may have. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2010, 17:09] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (Forum)

AROS: Vector graphic program AmiFIG-Suite 0.8
Yannick Erb has published a new update of the vector graphic program AmiFIG for AROS. The changes in this version 0.8 are listed in the thread. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2010, 10:43] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy (Kommentar)

AROS: Cubosphere ported
Yannick Erb has ported the 3D-platform game Cubosphere to AROS (screenshot). This is a SDL-based clone of the video game "Kula World" for Playstation 1. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2010, 10:32] [Comments: 0]
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Linux: Debian-m68k as harddrive image for WinUAE
On Aminet a harddrive image (hdf-file) is available for WinUAE which includes an installation of Debian m68k 3.1r8 (Sarge), additional with X11 2.1r5 (Slink).

WinPCAP as well as beta version 0 of WinUAE 2.3.1 are required. The Linux-distribution can be started vis a FFS boot partition.

Debian-31r8-m68k-hdf.tar.bz2 (129 MB)
Debian31r8X11-21r5-hdf.tar.bz2 (145 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2010, 08:55] [Comments: 0]
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Bulletin Board System: DLG now open source
The Bulletin Board System DLG, as well as its source code, has been released by Jeff Grimmett and can be downloaded from Aminet now. DLG began as Dialog BBS for the Amiga and was based on the concept of creating an extension to the Amiga operating system for BBS communications.

DLG consists of a number of small, compact modules that present a minimal memory footprint while in operation. The core of the software is a serial port handler that binds the serial port to an interactive shell session, a resource manager to coordinate locking and releasing of important BBS resources (file and message areas, etc.) and a core runtime library containing the most important and widely used functionality in the BBS. Eventually the BBS was extended to utilize the ARexx interpreted scripting language as well. (snx)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2010, 08:40] [Comments: 0]
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