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12.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

Image editing: ArtStudio Pro for free download
On, the CD-image of the formerly commercial image editing programm ArtStudio Pro is available for free download. Due to the size of the file, it only can be downloaded by registered users. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Sep. 2014, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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12.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

Amiga-Emulator: FS-UAE 2.5.14dev
Frode Solheim's FS-UAE for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD is based on WinUAE and can be completely controlled with a joypad. Since the last stable version released in March (2.4.1), so far only developer versions have been released.

Changes in FS-UAE 2.5.14dev:
  • Updated emulation core from WinUAE 2900b15
  • Updates to Qemu PPC CPU integration
  • New option: cdrom_drive_0_controller (to specify for example ide1)
  • Fixed problem when inserting, ejecting and then inserting a CD again
  • Changes to how fastest-possible-mode works and interacts with frame rendering (solves some issues, might introduce new ones…)
  • Fixed and activated more recent Picasso96 (uaegfx) code
  • Enabled emulation of GFX hardware boards (Picassso IV, etc)
  • A bit more code cleanup and fixes to make code compatible with MSVC
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Sep. 2014, 18:14] [Comments: 0]
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Free Pascal 2.7.1 on trunk
Marcus Sackrow has updated the AROS/x86-port of the compiler Free Pascal. Thanks to Karoly Balogh's reactivation of the m68k-compiler and its merging of the basis implementation for AmigaOS, AROS and MorphOS, the latest version also is available for AmigaOS 3.1. An Amiga with 68020-processor and the ixemul.library of version 48 are required.

fpc-trunk.m68k-amiga.20140909.lha (16 MB)
fpc-trunk.i386-aros.20140909.lha (29 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2014, 19:03] [Comments: 2 - 13. Sep. 2014, 01:02]
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10.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Software collection Chrysalis 3.7.1
Yannick 'Papiosaur' Buchy's Chrysalis is a pre-configured collection of programms, games and emulators (PDF-tutorial). Version 3.7.1 now is available for MorphOS 3.7. An unchanged basic installation of the operating system is required.

Changes in this update:
  • Added a Documentation directory in the ISO
  • Added a Tutorial directory in the ISO
  • Added a tutorial on Synergy writted by Sergius and translated into English by Morphun
  • Added a tutorial on how to install E-UAE and WHDLoad writted by Jambalah
  • Added a spanish translation of the tutorial Jambalah realized by Diezi7
  • Added SoundBankster 1.2
  • Added Spreedy 1.0
  • Added DefICons Installer 1.1
  • Added FileTypes Installer 1.2
  • Added many Spanish translations Diezi7
  • Added InstallerGen 1.0
  • Added Tips in WBStartup
  • Updated InstantUnpack 1.1
  • Updated ACE 1.7
  • Updated GenesisPlus 1.7
  • Updated rhLaunch 0.8
  • Updated gtranslator 2.01
  • Updated InstantZip 2.1.3
  • Updated MPlayer (24/07/2014)
  • Updated ScummVM 1.7.0
  • Polynet the bar is replaced by an Ambient launch bar
  • Polynet bar is moved in the WBStartup/Disabled directory
  • Deleted obsolete files
  • Fixed config file rhLaunch
  • Changes of E-UAE configs files (for compatibility with AmigaForever roms)
Download: chrysalis.iso (703 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Sep. 2014, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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08.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

Amiga-Emulator: FS-UAE 2.5.13dev
Frode Solheim's FS-UAE for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD is based on WinUAE and can be completely controlled with a joypad. Since the last stable version released in March (2.4.1), so far only developer versions have been released.

Changes in FS-UAE 2.5.13dev:
  • Updated emulation core from WinUAE 2900b14
  • Harmonize CD IOCTL / image initialization with WinUAE
  • Initial version of QEmu PPC CPU integration (not fully working yet)
  • Removed –disable-cpuboard option to configure (no longer needed)
  • Updated Picasso96 code, but old version is still used (needs more work)
  • Add internal HRTMon rom to the rom list on startup
  • Show GUI warning when some config incompatibilities are detected
  • GUI warning when custom uae_ options fails or are not recognized
  • Added more compiler warnings by default
  • More code cleanup, especially in src/od-fs
  • Merged several modules which were similar between FS-UAE and WinUAE
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2014, 23:33] [Comments: 0]
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08.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

PDF-Magazine: 880 Gamer, issue 4
"880 Gamer" is doing hommage to gaming magazines of former times: Reviews of old, commercial Amiga games are offered as well as full-page advertisements of the producers from that time. A vitual cover-disk also is part of the magazine. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2014, 23:30] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 06.09.2014
The following archives have been added to Aminet until September 6th, 2014:
artorr.i386-aros.lha     comm/tcp   981K  x86 A tiny torrent client for ARO...
netsurf.lha              comm/www   5.4M  OS4 Fast CSS capable web browser
FileX-68k.lha            disk/moni  519K  68k FileX - Ultimate HEX editor f...
switchcontrol.lha        driver/mon 2K    68k Software for an automatic mon...
EvenMorePlugins.lha      text/show  153K      V0.81: EvenMore textviewer pl...
MUIRoyaleSP.lha          util/libs  133K      MUI Royale 1.2 spanish catalogs              util/libs  20K   68k load,decode + draw PNG with a...
InstallerGen.lha         util/misc  117K  68k Installer script creation tool                 util/misc  229K  68k Ripper, Scanner, Decruncher ....
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2014, 07:34] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 06.09.2014
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until September 6th, 2014:
atunes.lha               aud/mis 3Mb   4.1 manage, play your music, edit ta...
iqpuzzle.lha             gam/puz 577kb 4.1 Qt : A diverting I.Q. challengin...
fastview.lha             gra/vie 3Mb   4.1 Show, crop & scale pictures ...
xfdmaster_lib.lha        lib/mis 307kb 4.1 AmigaOS4 port of xfdmaster.library
fastcompress.lha         uti/arc 4Mb   4.1 Quickly compress into LHA,ZIP,LZ...
sysmon.lha               uti/wor 2Mb   4.1 monitor for Process, Windows (+ ...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2014, 07:34] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 06.09.2014
The following archives have been added to AROS-Archives until September 6th, 2014:
hurrican-src-svn85.tar.bz2   gam/act 768kb Source Code for Game 'Hurrican'
artorr.i386-aros.lha         net/p2p 981kb A tiny torrent client for AROS i386
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2014, 07:34] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages until 06.09.2014
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups on your harddisk that were not compatible with anything but floppy disks. The following installers have been added until September 6th, 2014: (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2014, 07:34] [Comments: 0]
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07.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

Event: Classic Gaming Expo 2014 in Las Vegas
From September 12 to 14, in Las Vegas the Classic Gaming Expo 2014 will take place in the hotel and casino Riviera. The Amiga will be represented by the Clark County Commodore Computer Club and Robert Bernardo. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2014, 07:23] [Comments: 0]
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04.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

Indivision AGA Mk2cr: DVI connector backplate
For the Flickerfixer Indivison AGA Mk2cr, the British store AmigaKit offers a DVI connector backplate. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Sep. 2014, 20:13] [Comments: 0]
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Jozsef Trencsenyi - Artex Games (ANF)

Simple arcade racing game: Mad Crash Racing
Mad Crash Racing is the first game developed by József Trencsényi. In 1999, he founded the independent game developer company Artex Studios. A C64-port as well as more complex Amiga games are planned for the near future.

Direct download: MadCrashRacing.lha (150 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Sep. 2014, 16:11] [Comments: 0]
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03.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

New Amiga store in Rio de Janeiro
In Brazil, a new Amiga store has opened called Sygno Music. Additionally the online shop is going to provide Amiga products to all South Americans. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Sep. 2014, 22:19] [Comments: 0]
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03.Sep.2014 (Webseite)

Creating installer scripts: InstallerGen 1.0
Using InstallerGen, developers can create installation scripts for the Commodore-installer. The programm has a MUI-interface. AmigaOS 3.0 as well as the MUI-class NList.mcc are required.

Download: InstallerGen.lha (117 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Sep. 2014, 22:10] [Comments: 0]
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