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01.Oct.2015 (Forum)

New A1200-cases: Further special editions
The Kickstarter-project for new Amiga-1200-cases ( reported) so far has collected 78.500 Euro. That means, during the next 30 days 50.000 Euro has to be paid to achieve the finacial goal.

Two new special editions may help to achieve this:
  • The Amiga Works - Allister Brimble Special Edition:
    Two years ago, the computer game composer Allister Brimble published his album The Amiga Works, which is included in this special edition additional to a poster and the soundtrack-CD of the game "Alien Breed 3D" created by Bjørn Lynne.

  • Skid Row Limited Edition:
    The special edition of the cracker group Skid Row includes a T-Shirt, a cup, a poster, a surprise as well as a book - either Brian Bagnall's "Commodore: The Amiga Years" or "Hackers" written by Steven Levy.
If you are going to support the project, you can also purchase three official Amiga cups as a set together with the other things. Additionally, there is also a new signature: RJ Mical. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Oct. 2015, 18:03] [Comments: 0]
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